Affichage 97-108 de 188 résultats
How to exchange pieces
How to exchange pieces
Learn to master the right exchange! Let the German WGM Elisabeth Pähtz show you how to gain a strategic winning position by exchanging pieces of equal value or to safely convert material advantage into a win.
29,90 €
Critical moments in chess
Critical moments in chess
On this 60 Minutes renowned and successful coach Adrian Mikhalchishin presents critical positions and shows how to handle them.
de Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
Typical mistakes by 1600-1900 players
Typical mistakes by 1600-1900 players
Some mistakes repeat themselves often in amateur games. With themes such as "Miscalculating Forcing Lines", "Being Too Materialistic" and "King Safety" Nick Pert shows you how to avoid making typical mistakes.
de Nicholas Pert
29,90 €
Learning from the World Champions
Learning from the World Champions

Des exemples classiques tirés de l'histoire écrite par les géants des échecs!

29,90 €
Power Play 22: A Repertoire for Black with the French Defence
Power Play 22: A Repertoire for Black with the French Defence
On this DVD Grandmaster Daniel King offers you a repertoire for Black with the French. Based around ten stem games, all White’s major lines against the French are covered.
de Daniel King
29,90 €
Learn from the Classics
Learn from the Classics
Sagar Shah shows you on this DVD how you can use typical patterns used by the Master of the past in your own games. From opening play to middlegame themes.
29,90 €
Tactic Toolbox Semi-Slav with 5.Bg5
Tactic Toolbox Semi-Slav with 5.Bg5
If you like an exciting battle you should play 5.Bg5 against the Semi-Slav. This natural developing move is the most principled and sharpest option against Black’s sound setup.
de Robert Ris
29,90 €
Tactic Toolbox Meran Variation
Tactic Toolbox Meran Variation
In interactive format IM Robert Ris offers you a lot of exercises, including hints and advice that help you to know key tactical patterns of this variation to play it with success.
de Robert Ris
29,90 €
The basics of winning chess 2.0
The basics of winning chess 2.0
So on this DVD let us try to trace the development of technique, almost from scratch to master level, so that we may develop these skills to the best of our ability.
de Andrew Martin
29,90 €
Power Strategy 2 - The Middlegame - Static Positions
Power Strategy 2 - The Middlegame - Static Positions
The second DVD deals with the middlegame positions where static factors play a determining part, permanently taking into account the inseparable dynamic and tactical elements.
29,90 €
Power Strategy 1 and 2
Power Strategy 1 and 2
The first DVD deals with the initial phase of the game, when the all the reigning principles can be crystalized into just one: DEVELOPMENT!
59,80 € 29,90 €
First steps in pawn structures
First steps in pawn structures
Understanding how to use pawns and how to handle different pawn structures are important topics for young or improving players to consider. Andrew Martin investigates the notion that ‘pawns are the soul of chess’ and tries to explain exactly what this mea
de Andrew Martin
27,90 €