0,00 €


Resultados 76-90 de 669
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.8 - French - Winawer
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.8 - French - Winawer
por Ivan Sokolov
In this Video course we deal with the French Winawer. The aim of this course is to arm club/tournament players with middlegame ideas which they can use in their own practice.
39,90 €
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - Dynamic Catalan
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - Dynamic Catalan
por Ivan Sokolov
Let Toptrainer Sokolov show you the ins and outs of middlegames. This course is about the catalan structures vs. semi-slav/triangle setups
39,90 €
Basic Opening Strategy
Basic Opening Strategy
por Robert Ris
In this video course you will learn about basic chess opening strategies, which can help you start your chess game.
32,90 €
Basics of Chess Strategy Vol.1
Basics of Chess Strategy Vol.1
por Robert Ris
In this video course you are making your first steps in mastering strategic concepts. Focus will be on Pawns and Rooks in this first volume.
32,90 €
Attack like a Super Grandmaster
Attack like a Super Grandmaster
por Dommaraju Gukesh
In this Fritztrainer: “Attack like a Super GM” with Gukesh we touch upon all aspects of his play, with special emphasis on how you can become a better attacking player.
39,90 €
Openings #1 The Open Games
Openings #1 The Open Games
In 23 video lessons you will learn everything you need to know about the King's Gambit, the Vienna Game, the Italian, the Evans Gambit, the two-knight game, the Scottish, the Steinitz and Berlin defences, the Open Spanish or the exchange variation, Marsha
29,90 €
Dominate the Pirc/Modern Defence: Expert Strategies for White
Dominate the Pirc/Modern Defence: Expert Strategies for White
With the help of GM Luis Engel you'll discover how to secure an advantage for White against the Pirc (1...d6) and Modern Defence (1...g6).
9,90 €
Dominate the Scandinavian Defence: Expert Strategies for White in 60 Minutes
Dominate the Scandinavian Defence: Expert Strategies for White in 60 Minutes
With the help of GM Luis Engel you'll discover how to secure an advantage for White against the different Scandinavian setups like Qa5, Qd6, Qd8 and Nf6 on move 2.
9,90 €
A weapon against the Grunfeld Defence (7.Qa4+)
A weapon against the Grunfeld Defence (7.Qa4+)
por Michael Kotyk
With the move 7.Qa4+, Kotyk presents a simplified variation that requires less theoretical knowledge, yet still offering strong attacking potential. You will learn how to respond effectively to your opponent's moves, and steer the game in your favour.
9,90 €
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics in 60 Minutes
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics in 60 Minutes
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
There are many brilliant combinations in chess that were invented by giants of the past. Now it's your turn to bring them to your own games!
9,90 €
The Keymer Variation - 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3
The Keymer Variation - 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3
por Leon Mendonca
This video course features the ins-and-outs of the possible setups Black can choose. You’ll learn the key concepts and strategies needed to add this fantastic opening to your repertoire. An easy-to-learn and yet venomous weapon.
34,90 €
Master your technique - manoeuvres you must know
Master your technique - manoeuvres you must know
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
Every player must develop the necessary classical knowledge of technical manoeuvres. With this video course I give you the essential knowledge for your own practice.
34,90 €
Najdorf: A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.1 to 3
Najdorf: A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.1 to 3
In the first part of the video series, we will look at White’s four main moves: 6.Bg5, 6.Be3, 6.Be2 and 6.Bc4.
119,70 € 99,90 €
Uncovering the Anti-Sicilians! A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.3
Uncovering the Anti-Sicilians! A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.3
This Fritztrainer offers you the perfect addition to any Sicilian or Najdorf repertoire, and covers all the minor variations that White has tried to avoid the open Sicilian.
39,90 €
Time Management in Chess
Time Management in Chess
por Regina Theissl-Pokorna
In this video course, I’d like to assist you with handling time management during your game. How to avoid it, and how to react when you’ve no other choice.
34,90 €