Affichage 481-492 de 680 résultats
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4
The Dragon is one of Black’s most daring openings, leading to fascinating positions with opposite castling and strong mutual attacks. This DVD provides a complete and up to date repertoire to help Black to score with the Dragon.
29,90 €
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9.Bc4
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9.Bc4

Volume one of the DVD deals with 9 Bc4, White’s sharpest option, and shows how Black can counter this ambitious try by White with the main lines of the Soltis variation (12…h5), which was played by Magnus Carlsen regularly as well.

29,90 €
Know the Terrain Vol.6: Isolated Queen's Pawn
Know the Terrain Vol.6: Isolated Queen's Pawn
In this DVD, Sam Collins examines the Isolated Queen’s Pawn (IQP) and associated structures. Using games almost exclusively from grandmaster praxis in the last two years, Collins explains all of the major ideas for playing with and against the IQP.
27,90 €
How to play the Sicilian Defence!
How to play the Sicilian Defence!
The continuous stream of new ideas in the Sicilian makes 1..c5 the most popular answer to 1.e4. On this DVD I do give an introduction to the most important Sicilian systems.
27,90 €
Leningrad Dutch
Leningrad Dutch
On some occasions it would yield you a perfect win, on others it could cause you “shameful” defeats. This DVD is intended in the first line to offer strategical guidance for Black, based on the examination of the most typical structures.
29,90 €
Master Class Vol.1: Bobby Fischer
Master Class Vol.1: Bobby Fischer
No other World Champion was more infamous both inside and outside the chess world than Bobby Fischer. On this DVD, a team of experts shows you the winning techniques and strategies employed by the 11th World Champion.
de Dorian Rogozenco
29,90 €
The true value of pieces
The true value of pieces
There are many cases of material imbalance in chess. In his new DVD GM Dejan Bojkov of Bulgaria makes an attempt to systematise the most important ones and gives valuable advice on how to handle the resulting positions.
27,90 €
How to combat rare lines as Black
How to combat rare lines as Black
A complete repertoire for Black is set out to be used against moves such as 1.Nf3, 1.f4, 1.g3, 1.Nc3, 1.b3, 1.b4 and 1.g4. The author uses content from his own notebooks to provide a full explanation of how to proceed.
27,90 €
First Steps in Endgames
First Steps in Endgames
If you want to become a strong player you have to study the endgame. That’s just the way it is. Andrew Martin’s new DVD „First Steps in Endgames“ offers players with a rating of less than 1600 and young beginners a superb introduction to the endgame.
de Andrew Martin
27,90 €
Power Play 18: The Sicilian Najdorf – a repertoire for Black
Power Play 18: The Sicilian Najdorf – a repertoire for Black

Apprenez l'ouverture des maîtres avec le maître formateur le plus populaire au monde ! Daniel King vous présente un répertoire Najdorf puissant et solide comme le roc!

de Daniel King
29,90 €
Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez
Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez
The purpose of this DVD is to teach players how to conduct the attack on the black king using different methods. Although the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez are mostly positional openings, it is very often possible to make use of attacking methods of play
27,90 €
The Giuoco Piano
The Giuoco Piano
In the first ever English “Master & Amateur” ChessBase DVD, International Master Lorin D’Costa and chess-software expert Nick Murphy take you through the main ideas of the Giuoco Piano in an easy to follow, conversational style.
27,90 €