Affichage 493-504 de 675 résultats
An ambitious setup against the Benoni
An ambitious setup against the Benoni
The topic of this 60 minute video clip is the major idea of the 8.h3 0-0 9.Bd3 line. It has not won much love among defenders of the Benoni - White players are coming dangerously close to realising the dream of squeezing the opponent.
9,90 €
The Reti, a flexible attacking opening
The Reti, a flexible attacking opening
The Nimzo-Indian, the Gruenfeld and the King’s Indian Defence are three incredibly uncomfortable defences to meet. This hypermodern DVD gives new ideas on how to squash these setups with sound, positional play based on double fianchetto systems.
27,90 €
The Slav against the Reti
The Slav against the Reti
Against the incredibly flexible Reti Opening (1.Nf3), Henrik Danielsen relies on a Slav setup: Black plays d5 followed by c6 and quickly develops his Bc8. The Islandic GM shows you many subtleties and tricks which you definitely need to know!
9,90 €
Meeting the Alekhine - The classical way
Meeting the Alekhine - The classical way
The Alekhine Defence belongs to those openings which face White with their very special challenges. GM Bojkov shows you new ideas in the variation with 4.Nf3, enabling you to systematically build up a good attacking position free of risk.
9,90 €
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
In this “Learn in 60 Minutes” GM Dejan Bojkov from Bulgaria offers a complete repertoire for White after the moves: 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 when all the main moves are covered: 5…Bg4; 5…g6; 5…a6 and Tiviakov’s specialty 5…c6.
9,90 €
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 2
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 2
GM Ramirez completes his repertoire suggestion versus 1.d4 with powerful systems among others against the ColleSystem, Trompowsky or the declining move 3.Nf3. An absolute asset - not only for friends of the Benko Gambit!
27,90 €
ChessBase Tutorials Starting Chess
ChessBase Tutorials Starting Chess

Les échecs sont le jeu de société par excellence. Ils sont pratiqués depuis plus des lustres. Grâce à internet, ils deviennent de plus en plus populaires.

de Daniel King
29,90 €
Know the Terrain Vol. 5: The Philidor Structure
Know the Terrain Vol. 5: The Philidor Structure
The Philidor structure (White pawns on d4 and e4, Black pawns on d6 and e5), is a fundamental position in the open games. In his new training course, IM Sam Collins shows you just how much explosive power is packed into this apparently simple structure.
27,90 €
Play the King's Indian Defence with g3
9,90 €
Attacking the Semi-Slav with g3
9,90 €
Know the Terrain Vol. 4: The advance French structure
Know the Terrain Vol. 4: The advance French structure
The structure arising in the French Advance can be found in a number of different openings (Queen’s Indian, Catalan, etc.), and in introducing you to this structure, IM Collins equips you with ideas that can be applied in a host of positions, helping you
27,90 €