
TrainingMiddlegameTechnique and calculation

Showing 16-30 results of 32
Calculation Training for 1400-1600 players
Calculation Training for 1400-1600 players
Mastering these tactical motifs is essential to deepen your understanding of the game and become a better player. After all, you neither want to overlook the given chances by your opponent, nor blunder yourself!
Calculation Training for 1000-1400 players
Calculation Training for 1000-1400 players
Mastering these tactical motifs is essential to deepen your understanding of the game and become a better player. After all, you neither want to overlook the given chances by your opponent, nor blunder yourself!
How to attack - principles of training
How to attack - principles of training
Most players prefer to attack rather than defend. But what is the correct way to do it? GM Dr Karsten Müller has compiled many rules and motifs to guide you, along with sharpening your intuition for the exceptions.
Making the right decisions in chess - Fundamentals
Making the right decisions in chess - Fundamentals
In a total of 6 chapters, we look at the following aspects: the right decision based on tactical factors, decisions in exchanges and moves, complex and psychological decisions in longer games and in defence.
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol.1 and Vol. 2
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol.1 and Vol. 2
In almost every chess game there comes a moment when you just can't go on without tactics. So it is vital to train tactics properly - and Master Class Tactics offers you the perfect tool for this!
€59.80 €54.90
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol.2
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol.2
In almost every chess game, there comes a moment when you just can’t go on without tactics. So, it is vital to train tactics properly - and Master Class Tactics offers you the perfect tool for this!
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol.1
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol.1
In almost every chess game there comes a moment when you just can't go on without tactics. So it is vital to train tactics properly - and Master Class Tactics offers you the perfect tool for this!
Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 and 2
Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 and 2
by Romain Edouard
Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange sacrifice, launching an attack, and the good moment to sacrifice will be covered.
€59.80 €54.90
Chess Classics - games you must know
Chess Classics - games you must know
As the author explains in the introductory video, knowing the classic games from the past enriches your chess understanding in general, and helps to improve the level of your own games.
Winning Chess Strategies Vol. 2 – The Initiative: Train Yourself!
Winning Chess Strategies Vol. 2 – The Initiative: Train Yourself!
by Romain Edouard
To improve in the vast terrain of initiative, there’s nothing better than training with well-chosen exercises! This interactive video course will guide you to find the winning move when the initiative is on your side.
Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 - The Art of Sacrifices and Initiative
Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 - The Art of Sacrifices and Initiative
by Romain Edouard
Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange sacrifice, launching an attack, and the good moment to sacrifice will be covered.
Calculation Training Booster
Calculation Training Booster
In this video course, twenty-nine examples with multiple questions are presented in the interactive format, which is ideal for a range of playing strengths. Step by step you will be taken through the complex positions.
Understanding Material Imbalances
Understanding Material Imbalances
This DVD focuses on several types of material imbalances, such as Rook vs 2 Minor Pieces, Queen vs 2 Rooks, and Queen vs Minor Pieces.
Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.1 & Vol.2
Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.1 & Vol.2
The two DVDs offer you the chance to solve 66 exercises with multiple questions. These exercises are presented in the interactive format, which makes them accessible for players of different strengths as we will go through the thought process step by step
€59.80 €54.90
Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.2
Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.2
The two DVDs offer you the chance to solve 66 exercises with multiple questions. These exercises are presented in the interactive format, which makes them accessible for players of different strengths as we will go through the thought process step by step