Showing 241-252 results of 419
The Ragozin Defense
The Ragozin Defense
The Ragozin is being played by every top grandmaster in the world - it is time you also add it to your repertoire to get interesting and dynamic positions against 1. d4!
by Alejandro Ramirez
Ruy Lopez: Attack with the Schliemann
Ruy Lopez: Attack with the Schliemann
In this DVD Sam Collins provides a complete and detailed repertoire for Black. Numerous novelties and improvements are suggested, with the conclusion that White has no clear route to an opening advantage.
by Sam Collins
Tactic Toolbox Benoni
Tactic Toolbox Benoni
On this DVD, Mihail Marin presents the major tactical themes and options available for both sides in the Benoni. Based on an interactive format the well-known theoretician and Grandmaster invites you to take part and challenge yourself.
by Mihail Marin
The modern Two Knights
The modern Two Knights
The Two Knights Defence is one of the oldest opening lines in chess history. This DVD is aimed at players of both sides, giving an objective overview of all relevant theoretical lines.
by Erwin l'Ami
Original and aggressive: 1...b6 for practical players
Original and aggressive: 1...b6 for practical players
Spruce up your opening repertoire with an early …b6! Let GM Nigel Davies show you how to transpose into the lines of your choice and how to through your opponent out of his opening book right away!
by Nigel Davies
The Triangle Setup - A complete defense against 1.d4
The Triangle Setup - A complete defense against 1.d4
The polish GM Michal Krasenkow presents a repertoire based on the Noteboom and the Stonewall. Black’s set-up may lead to a whole range of different and interesting positions, which help the black player to broaden his strategic and tactical understanding.
by Michal Krasenkow
The Modern Scotch Opening
The Modern Scotch Opening
In this DVD, Parimarjan Negi looks at the latest revolution in Scotch theory that has completely changed white’s plans, and once again brought back the interest of the world’s elite.
by Parimarjan Negi
Fighting against the Caro-Kann with the Advance Variation
Fighting against the Caro-Kann with the Advance Variation
The Caro-Kann Defence is one of the most solid replies for Black after 1.e4. Bologan's choice of the Advance Variation for White is because of the complex strategical play in which White has a long-term space advantage.
by Victor Bologan
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 2: Attacking lines
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 2: Attacking lines
The resulting positions are usually dynamic or double-edged and offer fairly balanced chances. The better tactician may win, but do not be disappointed if the game ends in a spectacular and logical draw!
by Mihail Marin
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 1: Positional lines
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 1: Positional lines
In the positional systems White does not try to refute the Pirc from the very first moves, but aims for a long strategic battle to prove that his space advantage and better development will finally give him the better position.
by Mihail Marin
Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld
Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld
The most effective, timeproven way to develop tactical abilities, imagination, and the ability to calculate variations, is practice. The 69 exercises on this DVD are taken from grandmaster games and show tactical ideas that are typical for the Grünfeld.
by Michal Krasenkow
King's Gambit Vol.2
King's Gambit Vol.2
Some of the most interesting lines in the King’s Gambit starting with 3 Nf3, especially concentrating ‘on the refutation of the King’s Gambit (Fischer)’ 3...g5. And what happens if Black does not play 2...exf4 is covered.
by Simon Williams