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Adrian Mikhalchishin

Adrian Mikhalchishin, gran maestro desde 1978, está actualmente entre los cinco mejores entrenadores del mundo y es vicepresidente del Comité de Entrenadores de la FIDE. Preparó al equipo de la URSS en los años 80 y a las selecciones nacionales de Eslovenia, Polonia y Holanda. Fue entrenador de Anatoly Karpov (1980-1986), de Zsuzsa Polgar, Alexander Beliavsky, Maja Chiburdanidse, Arkadij Naidich y Vasily Ivanchuk.

Publicado por ChessBase:

The Sharp Arkhangelsk Variation in the Ruy Lopez
The Sharp Arkhangelsk Variation in the Ruy Lopez
Great players always have their own successful variations in the opening.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
35,90 €
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics in 60 Minutes
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics in 60 Minutes
There are many brilliant combinations in chess that were invented by giants of the past. Now it's your turn to bring them to your own games!
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
Master your technique - manoeuvres you must know
Master your technique - manoeuvres you must know
Every player must develop the necessary classical knowledge of technical manoeuvres. With this video course I give you the essential knowledge for your own practice.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
34,90 €
The surprising Janowski Variation  (3...a6) in the Queen‘s Gambit  Declined
The surprising Janowski Variation (3...a6) in the Queen‘s Gambit Declined
Explore the mysteries of the powerful Janowski Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined with this brand-new video course!
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
32,90 €
Simple and modern anti-grünfeld variation 5.Bd2
Simple and modern anti-grünfeld variation 5.Bd2
5.Bd2 against the grünfeld offers a solid and exciting repertoire. White delays the immediate e4 and simplifies the resulting variations.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
Russian Grandmaster School
Russian Grandmaster School
Contains: Pawn structures you should know, Pattern Recognition and Typical Plans, Pieces, Pawns and Squares
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
69,90 €
How to study the classics
How to study the classics
On this DVD Adrian Mikhalchishin discusses "How to study the Classics". Every chess player should have studied games of the past in order learn basics of strategy. This DVD is a good start!
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
29,90 €
New Developments in the Arkhangelsk Variation
New Developments in the Arkhangelsk Variation
Mikhalchishin's new work sheds light on fresh ideas in the hyper-sharp c3 variation, the classical line, which is specially well played by Caruana, as well as further entertaining developments in the Semi-Arkhangelsk with a temporarily delayed b7-b5.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
The Beliavsky Plan against the Stonewall Dutch
The Beliavsky Plan against the Stonewall Dutch
You exchange the bishop on f4 to open the g-file (gxf4) and double rooks there. Black will protect his weakness on this file with all his forces. You transfer your pieces to the other side, create a new weakness there, and the opponent will be helpless
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
How Bobby Fischer battled the Sicilian
How Bobby Fischer battled the Sicilian
Fischer liked to play aggressive but basically sound lines against the Sicilian and many of his variations are still very much alive and a good choice for players of all levels.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
29,90 €
Pieces, Pawns and Squares
Pieces, Pawns and Squares
Conocer los elementos clave de la estrategia del mediojuego y la forma de usarlos le abrirá todo un campo nuevo a la hora de valorar y planificar sus partidas.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
29,90 €
Pattern Recognition and Typical Plans
Pattern Recognition and Typical Plans
El afamado y veterano entrenador esloveno de origen ucranio muestra la forma de aprender, identificar y usar patrones, lo que mejorará su juego notablemente.
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
29,90 €
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