ChessBase Magazine 219

ChessBase Magazine offers first-class training material for club players and professionals! CBM is the most comprehensive and sophisticated chess magazine ever. World-class players analyse their brilliant games and explain the ideas behind the moves. Opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in tactics, strategy and endgame show you exactly the tricks and techniques you need to be a successful tournament player! Available as download (incl. booklet as pdf file) or on DVD with accompanying booklet by post.

NEW: Since CBM #217 (January 2024) you can read ChessBase Magazine also on your iPad, tablet or Mac through your web browser in the new ChessBase books format: ChessBase books


Mastering openings using Fritz 19

At first glance, Fritz 19 is all about fun, with its quirky opponents and trophies. But there's also highly useful new functionality for serious opening training. Now, any database, opening article, or your own opening analysis can be loaded directly as an opening book to play against.
New Review

Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - Dynamic Catalan

Many young top-players are opting for the trendy “Dynamic Catalan” where, against the triangle or semi-slav structures, White can sacrifice a pawn to gain immediate initiative. This sacrifice can lead to long term positional advantage, but often White can unleash dangerous threats upon the black king with a central pawn break.