0,00 €


Affichage 46-60 de 672 résultats
Endgame essentials you need to know Vol.1 & Vol 2
Endgame essentials you need to know Vol.1 & Vol 2
de Surya Ganguly
<p>Le GM Surya Ganguly et le MI&nbsp;Sagar Shah pr&eacute;sente&nbsp;les principes fondamentaux des finales de Tours.</p>
79,80 € 69,90 €
Endgame Essentials you need to know Vol.2 - Test yourself in Rook + Pawn vs. Rook Endgames
Endgame Essentials you need to know Vol.2 - Test yourself in Rook + Pawn vs. Rook Endgames
de Surya Ganguly
In the present volume, he brings more positions - many from top-level Grandmaster games - to help you with (a): assessing your understanding of the concepts discussed in Volume 1 and (b): complementing that understanding
39,90 €
Endgame essentials you need to know Vol.1 - Rook + Pawn vs Rook
Endgame essentials you need to know Vol.1 - Rook + Pawn vs Rook
de Surya Ganguly
In this video course, GM Surya Ganguly joins IM Sagar Shah and drawing from his colossal experience, shares some uncommon endgame wisdom. The material mostly features positions with rook against rook and a pawn, and starts by covering the fundamentals.
39,90 €
Master the Modern: the breathtaking Beefeater Variation
Master the Modern: the breathtaking Beefeater Variation
de Andrew Martin
Unlock the excitement of the Beefeater Variation (1.d4 g6 2.c4 Bg7 3.Nc3 c5 4.d5 Bxc3 5.bxc3 f5?!) in this 60-minute video course! Dive into an aggressive and daring strategy where Black gives up the dark-squared bishop early.
9,90 €
Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings
Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings
de Jan Markos
In this video course, kings will play a role of strong and active pieces. We will explore how Kings can be helpful in defence and prophylaxis, or even in attack!
34,90 €
Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.1 & 2  + Calculation Training for 1000-1400 & 1400-1600 players
Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.1 & 2 + Calculation Training for 1000-1400 & 1400-1600 players
de Robert Ris
<p>Une flopp&eacute;e d&#39;exercices&nbsp;pr&eacute;sent&eacute;s sous forme interactive, ce qui les rend accessibles aux joueurs de diff&eacute;rentes forces, car nous suivrons le processus de r&eacute;flexion &eacute;tape par &eacute;tape.</p>
119,60 € 99,90 €
Improve your pieces - a winning system you need to know
Improve your pieces - a winning system you need to know
de RB Ramesh
<p>Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez &agrave; identifier les pi&egrave;ces passives et comment les rendre actives.</p>
39,90 €
Calculation Training - Sharpen Your Game!
Calculation Training - Sharpen Your Game!
de Robert Ris
In Calculation Training – Sharpen Your Game! a total of 73 examples have been selected, the vast majority containing multiple questions, and more than 160 questions of varying difficulty.
34,90 €
Attack & Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
Attack & Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
de Dommaraju Gukesh
Two Super Grandmasters from India explain the ins & outs of Attack, Tactics an Calculations in these two video courses.
79,80 € 69,90 €
The Sharp Arkhangelsk Variation in the Ruy Lopez
The Sharp Arkhangelsk Variation in the Ruy Lopez
de Adrian Mikhalchishin
Great players always have their own successful variations in the opening.
35,90 €
Middlegame Secrets Vol.4 - The Secret Lives of Knights
Middlegame Secrets Vol.4 - The Secret Lives of Knights
de Jan Markos
<p>Les ♘♞ apportent de l&#39;irrationnel &agrave; n&#39;importe quelle position. Cependant, dans ce tutoriel vid&eacute;o, vous apprendrez &agrave; les apprivoiser.</p>
34,90 €
How to play the Open Sicilian
How to play the Open Sicilian
de Andrew Martin
On this all-new ChessBase video course, IM Andrew Martin introduces you to this exciting world, so that you can begin playing the Sicilian in your own games. The main themes and ideas of the Open Sicilian are discussed.
32,90 €
The reinvented Ulvestad Variation
The reinvented Ulvestad Variation
de Robert Ris
After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 - try the move 5…b5!? and catch your opponent off-guard with the Ulvestad Variation!
9,90 €
The incendiary King's Indian after 4...Bf5
The incendiary King's Indian after 4...Bf5
de Christian Bauer
The aim of the sideline 4...Bf5 in the KID is crystal-clear: Black doesn't want to see 5.e2-e4 on the next move and is probing for their opponent's intentions.
9,90 €
Sicilian Paulsen Powerbook 2024
Sicilian Paulsen Powerbook 2024
Most of the material on which the Sicilian Paulsen Powerbook 2024 is based comes from the engine room: 439,000 games. An impressive number to which 51,000 games from correspondence chess and the Mega were added.
9,90 €