
Michal Krasenkow

born 1963, is one of the ChessBase authors with the highest ratings. In the 1997 FIDE-WCh he reached the quarter finals and in 2001 he even pushed his rating above the 2700 mark. Krasenkow, born in Moscow, has lived in Poland since 1992 and is a Polish citizen. He has written the chess books “The Open Spanish” (1995) and “The Sveshnikov Sicilian” (1996). His other special areas of interest are the Grünfeld Defence and the Noteboom System, and Krasenkow is the biggest expert of the King's Indian with 6.h3.

Published by ChessBase

The Triangle Setup - A complete defense against 1.d4
The Triangle Setup - A complete defense against 1.d4
The polish GM Michal Krasenkow presents a repertoire based on the Noteboom and the Stonewall. Black’s set-up may lead to a whole range of different and interesting positions, which help the black player to broaden his strategic and tactical understanding.
by Michal Krasenkow
€29.90 €22.43
Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld
Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld
The most effective, timeproven way to develop tactical abilities, imagination, and the ability to calculate variations, is practice. The 69 exercises on this DVD are taken from grandmaster games and show tactical ideas that are typical for the Grünfeld.
by Michal Krasenkow
€29.90 €22.43
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