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Nico Zwirs

Nico Zwirs is a Dutch International Master living in Amsterdam. He grew up in Apeldoorn. He got the IM title in 2019 and his peak rating is 2453. He’s active player and plays in several european leagues.

Publié par ChessBase

The Ultimate Scotch Gambit - A Repertoire for Aggressive and Positional Players
The Ultimate Scotch Gambit - A Repertoire for Aggressive and Positional Players
If you're looking to revamp your opening repertoire and surprise your opponents with powerful, modern ideas, The Ultimate Scotch Gambit is the perfect choice.
de Nico Zwirs
39,90 €
The ‘Ragozin’ Carlsbad – A Dynamic Twist on a Classic Structure
The ‘Ragozin’ Carlsbad – A Dynamic Twist on a Classic Structure
If you're looking to expand your opening knowledge with a modern, cutting-edge approach, the Ragozin Carlsbad is a must-have addition to your repertoire.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The Funky Löwenthal Variation in 60 Minutes
The Funky Löwenthal Variation in 60 Minutes
Whether you’re looking for thrilling attacks, or steady positional play, the Löwenthal Variation has more to offer than meets the eye.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The Popov Variation against the Taimanov
The Popov Variation against the Taimanov
One of the easy, sharp and semi-rare options is the Popov variation. It starts with 6.Be3 a6 7.Qd2, which seems like white is intending to go for an English Attack set-up, but then after 7…Nf6 8.f4 will follow, the Popov variation.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The Kupreichik Sicilian
The Kupreichik Sicilian
The Kupreichik starts with 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Bd7. It is a flexible move, as it doesn’t tell white much about the set-up black will choose. Most often black goes for a Dragon or a Classical Sicilian set-up.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
5.Nge2 against the King's Indian Defence
5.Nge2 against the King's Indian Defence
The Hungarian variation provides white an attacking plan against the KID. With 5.Nge2 White will play 6.Ng3, close the centre with d5 after …c5/…e5 and start playing on the kingside for an attack.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
In this 60 Minutes video course you will learn the ins-and-outs of the Grivas Sicilian which starts after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qb6!
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The refreshed Evans Gambit
The refreshed Evans Gambit
In “The refreshed Evans Gambit”, you will find a small opening repertoire with new ideas in the Evans Gambit. The Evans Gambit is a positional pawn sacrifice in the opening, to create a strong bind or even a quick attack.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The sharpest Italian with an early Bg5 in 60Min
The sharpest Italian with an early Bg5 in 60Min
In The sharpest Italian white will play an early Bg5 and most often black replies with …h6, Bh4 g5. Because of this, black’s king is open, and they don’t have a clear spot for their king. In return the bishop is temporarily locked up on g3.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
Fighting for the initiative with the Schara-Hennig Gambit in 60min
Fighting for the initiative with the Schara-Hennig Gambit in 60min
In the Schara-Hennig Gambit black sacrifices a pawn and in return he gets a lead in development. From that point on black has two options. Playing against white’s king or trying to prevent white from developing.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
Countering the Reti with 1...d5 and 2...Nd7
Countering the Reti with 1...d5 and 2...Nd7
With the move 1…d5 we put one pawn in the centre. With the move 2…Nd7 we are threatning …e5 and putting a second pawn in the centre.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
A Surprise Weapon against the Philidor Defence
A Surprise Weapon against the Philidor Defence
The move suggested in this 60 minutes course is 5.Rg1, with the idea g4. The plus side is that you still get all the g4 ideas without losing a pawn.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
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