0,00 €
Affichage 1-12 de 43 résultats
A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.1 & 2
A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.1 & 2

Ce cours vidéo comprend les réflexions profondes du GM Anish Giri et les questions pertinentes de l'IM Sagar Shah au super GM. Dans ce tome, toutes les ouvertures après 1.e4 sont couvertes.

de Anish Giri
99,80 € 89,90 €
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 3
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 3
I give promising mainlines for white against all black’s main replies to 1.d4 d5 that are engine-proof, easy to learn and can be played almost instantly.
de Sipke Ernst
98,70 € 89,90 €
Three stars from India
Three stars from India
This video course features the ins-and-outs of the possible setups Black can choose. You’ll learn the key concepts and strategies needed to add this fantastic opening to your repertoire. An easy-to-learn and yet venomous weapon.
de Dommaraju Gukesh, Leon Mendonca
114,70 € 94,90 €
Endgame essentials you need to know Vol.1 & Vol 2
Endgame essentials you need to know Vol.1 & Vol 2

Le GM Surya Ganguly et le MI Sagar Shah présente les principes fondamentaux des finales de Tours.

de Surya Ganguly
79,80 € 69,90 €
Attack & Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
Attack & Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
Two Super Grandmasters from India explain the ins & outs of Attack, Tactics an Calculations in these two video courses.
de Dommaraju Gukesh
79,80 € 69,90 €
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.1 - 9
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.1 - 9
In this DVD we deal with different dynamic decisions involving pawns. The aim of this DVD is to arm club/tournament players with fresh ideas which they can use in their own practice.
de Ivan Sokolov
299,10 € 239,90 €
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - 9
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - 9
Let Toptrainer Sokolov show you the ins and outs of middlegames. This course is about the catalan structures vs. semi-slav/triangle setups
de Ivan Sokolov
119,70 € 99,90 €
Fritz 19 & Opening Encyclopaedia 2024
Fritz 19 & Opening Encyclopaedia 2024

The best combination for opening training: The big ChessBase opening encyclopaedia with thousands of opening articles plus Fritz19 at a special price!

199,90 € 159,90 €
Key Concepts of Chess - Pawn Structures Vol.1 & 2 and The Hedgehog
Key Concepts of Chess - Pawn Structures Vol.1 & 2 and The Hedgehog
In this two-part course the emphasis will be on typical pawn-structures. “Open and half-open files” and “the pawn chain” will be covered extensively on this video course.
de Herman Grooten
89,70 € 79,90 €
Top Choice Repertoire: Play the French Defence Vol.1 & 2
Top Choice Repertoire: Play the French Defence Vol.1 & 2

Dans ce cours vidéo en deux volumes, l'ancien champion du monde Rustam Kasimdzhanov vous montre les tenants et les aboutissants de cette ouverture extrêmement complexe.

de Rustam Kasimdzhanov
59,80 € 54,90 €
Middlegame Secrets Vol.1 + Vol.2
Middlegame Secrets Vol.1 + Vol.2

Comment trouver le meilleur emplacement pour la ♕  et les ♖ en début de milieu de jeu, comment synchroniser l'attaque, comment décider de l'échange ou non, etc.

de Jan Markos
59,80 € 54,90 €
 A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4
These video courses feature a black repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also pose White serious challenges.
de Robert Ris
59,80 € 54,90 €
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