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ChessBase MagazineExtra

Affichage 46-60 de 80 résultats
ChessBase Magazine Extra 174
ChessBase Magazine Extra 174
Learn openings from the classics with Sagar Shah; Andrew Martin presents the perhaps most important game of the World Championship 1972; Adrian Mikhalchishin gives a lecture on the Cozio Variation (each in video format). Plus 27.459 new games.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 173
ChessBase Magazine Extra 173
A solid concept against Benoni: Learn from GM Pert how to win with the Fianchetto Variation (video). Classics put to test: Robert Ris shows Fischer-Kholmov (1965) with an impressive knight sacrifice by the Russian (video). Plus 44,889 new games.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 172
ChessBase Magazine Extra 172
Winning against the Petroff: Let Rustam Kasimdzhanov show you how he defeated leading expert Li Chao (video). Andrew Martin presents the miniature Anand-Svidler (Candidates 2016). Plus 30.100 topical games.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 170
ChessBase Magazine Extra 170
Winning with the Double Fianchetto: Nicholas Pert provides deep insights into this popular opening. Geller-Karpov (1976): Let Robert Ris show you why this game became a classic in chess history. Plus 37.565 topical games.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 167
ChessBase Magazine Extra 167
Repertoire idea by Adrian Mikhalchishin: inflict an isolated pawn upon the Nimzo Indian! Sergei Tiviakov: „The best game I ever played!“ Robert Ris: analysis of one the most famous games: Botvinnik-Capablanca (AVRO 1938). Plus 39.097 topical games
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 166
ChessBase Magazine Extra 166
Adrian Mikhalchishin (Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk Variation), Sergei Tiviakov (Sicilian 2...d6 3.Bb5+) and Nicholas Pert (Queen's Gambit) present modern classics or special opening ideas. Plus 30.574 recently played games.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 165
ChessBase Magazine Extra 165
Two sicilians (by Adrian Mikhalchishin and Valeri Lilov) as well as a wild game in the schmid benoni are the recent video subjects. Plus 18.983 recently played games.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 161
ChessBase Magazine Extra 161
Treat yourself to a little extra! Shirov demonstrates by a game against Volokitin (Kalashnikov Variation) how a strategic game can turn into a dynamic clash. Plus videos by IM Ris and IM Lilov. And 35.205 games from all over the world.
12,99 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 160
ChessBase Magazine Extra 160
Extra 160 - with more than 34,000 recent games and three video clips: Adrian Mikhalchishin, Robert Ris and Valeri Lilov present a nice opening idea and the two games Fischer-Petrosian (Match 1971) and Rublevsky-Vachier (Warsaw 2012)
12,99 €