0,00 €
Affichage 229-240 de 282 résultats
The Austrian Attack against the Pirc Defence
The Austrian Attack against the Pirc Defence
Try the Austrian Attack! It is a solid but dangerous weapon and guarantees White an effective attack from the very start! Learn the key tricks of this deadly line and crush the Pirc with ease!
9,90 €
ChessBase Magazine Extra 152
ChessBase Magazine Extra 152
Extra 152, with more than 18,000 current games and three great classics: Dejan Bojkov, Leonid Kritz and Robert Ris present on video the fantastic duels Larsen-Matanovic (Zagreb 1965), Euwe-Alekhine, (WCh Rematch 1937) and Ciocaltea-Nezhmetdinov
12,99 €
The Sizzling Scotch Gambit
The Sizzling Scotch Gambit
The Scotch Gambit is a brazen yet utterly sound system for White who immediately opens up the position, by sacrificing a central pawn, in an attempt to assassinate the enemy king as quickly as possible.
9,90 €
The Giuoco Piano
The Giuoco Piano
In the first ever English “Master & Amateur” ChessBase DVD, International Master Lorin D’Costa and chess-software expert Nick Murphy take you through the main ideas of the Giuoco Piano in an easy to follow, conversational style.
27,90 €
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
In this “Learn in 60 Minutes” GM Dejan Bojkov from Bulgaria offers a complete repertoire for White after the moves: 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 when all the main moves are covered: 5…Bg4; 5…g6; 5…a6 and Tiviakov’s specialty 5…c6.
9,90 €
A sharp Slav Vol. 2  in 60 Minutes
A sharp Slav Vol. 2 in 60 Minutes
de Andrew Martin
1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 dxc4. Without a White Knight on c3 the positon becomes radically different to the earlier line, but the idea of disruption is still the key to understanding Black's play.
9,90 €