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ChessBase Magazine Extra 175

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20.968 (games played between October and December 2016)
Video training: Adrian Mikhalchishin has recently been enjoying playing the Queen's Gambit Accepted and in doing so renounced complicated openings. But in a game against Slovenian player Jure Zorko, after 1.d4 d5 2.Sf3 c5 3.dxc5 he suddenly found himself having to play against his own opening with reversed colours - and even a tempo behind.
Robert Ris presents a game played between two of his favourite players at the Interzonal Tournament of 1973 in Petropolis: David Bronstein and Ljubomir Ljubojevic. Immediately after the opening White sacrificed material and an exciting struggle developed.
Andrew Martin explains why the study of classical games is so valuable. Then he demonstrates his thesis by looking at the game Capablanca-Tartakower, New York 1924. The world champion has a slightly better position, but things are not decided until the rook ending which is now considered a classic.


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déc. 2016
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