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Komodo 9 Update

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These three words summarize Komodo's evolution, as it runs even faster on multi-processors, uses all the software speeds gained to add more knowledge, and defeats previous number one programs by unheard of scores.
Komodo is a chess program that is different from the rest. Its search makes greater use of extensions than any other top engine, which allows Komodo to often see deeper than the others, even if it is displaying a slightly lower search depth. The evaluation differs from its main rivals because it represents a blend of both automated tuning and the judgment of a grandmaster and computer expert (Larry Kaufman). Fully automated evaluations are subject to rather large sample error, and applying some human chess judgment is beneficial, both in results and solid evaluations. Komodo is primarily known for superb positional play.

For the Update a serial number from Komodo 8 (by ChessBase) is required.

Allemand, Anglais
n'importe lequel
mai 2015
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