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Recherché: endgames
Affichage 1-12 de 167 résultats
Endgame Turbo 4
Endgame Turbo 4
Perfect endgame analysis and a huge increase in engine performance: Get it with the new Endgame Turbo 4! Thanks to a new format (Syzygy-Tablebases) the Endgame Turbo 4 is smaller, faster and yet has more scope than the old version.
59,90 €
Chess Endgames 4 - Strategical Endgames
Chess Endgames 4 - Strategical Endgames
In the fourth volume of the endgame series a lot of themes with more material are included like rook and minor piece vs rook (and minor piece), rook vs two minor pieces, double rook endings, queen and knight vs queen and bishop, the bishop pair and endgame principles. Typical topics are: the so called Fischer endgame rook and bishop vs rook and knight, which occurs quite frequently in practical play and is very often favourable for rook and bishop; with opposite coloured bishops the presence of one rook each greatly increases the winning chances of the attacker compared to the pure opposite coloured bishop endgame (see DVD 1); when are queen and knight stronger than queen and bishop; which drawing methods exist in the pawnless endgame rook and bishop vs rook, which is quite often won over the board. Those who have always found studying endgames with chess textbooks too dry and tedious will enjoy this DVD with its comfortable training system and benefi t enormously – in brilliant endgames at the actual board. Complete video running time: approx. 6 hours.
29,99 €
Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames
Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames
Over 7 hours video training.
29,99 €
Endgames for experts
Endgames for experts

If you want to play successful chess you must pay great attention to the endgame. Because it is only if you handle the endgame correctly that you can turn an advantageous position into a full point or save half a point from an inferior position. On this DVD, Rustam Kasimdzhanov analyses the type of practical endgames which tournament players encounter on a daily basis. We are talking here about endgames which are still full of life, endgames which in the final analysis must be played out over the board. Using selected games of his own, he shows the importance of understanding positional factors such as an advantage in space, piece activity, pawn weaknesses, strong and weak squares, pawn majorities, passed pawns, etc. He explains what has to be known in order to make the correct strategic decisions and to find the correct plan in such endings. Studying the examples in this 3.5 hour long video course will certainly pay off for you in your own games. Kasimdzhanov’s outstanding and easily understandable explanations will certainly help you to substantially improve your own performance in the endgame.

de Rustam Kasimdzhanov
29,99 €
Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight
Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight
What is the best way to use your pieces to their full potential in the endgame? GM Karsten Müller demonstrates “knight geometry”, and teaches you how to employ the “knight check shadow” in your own games!
29,90 €
Chess Endgames 6 - Endgame Principles Domination & Prophylaxis
Chess Endgames 6 - Endgame Principles Domination & Prophylaxis

Karsten Mueller’s endgame course has already taken its place amongst the modern classics in the study of the endgame. Whereas the first 4 DVDs of his series were systematically organised according to the distribution of material, Volume 6 continues the explanation of general endgame principles begun in Volume 5. The principles dealt with in this DVD are domination and prophylaxis, not being over-hasty, zugzwang and schematic thinking. Domination is the goal of methods involving restraint and restriction. Gradually keep on forcing your opponent on to the back foot – that is often the simplest route to victory. Strategies for the restraint of the individual pieces are demonstrated, with a lot of emphasis on keeping knights on a short leash. Prophylaxis is an individual and extremely important way of thinking. You spot your opponent’s ideas and plans early on, so that you can take counter-measures in good time. The principle of not being over-hasty is one that has to be observed not only in the ending. Let Karsten Mueller show you the conditions under which you should take heed of it and specifically how you should employ it. Zugzwang, on the other hand, is a typical endgame phenomenon. Important techniques such as triangulation and the battle for reserve tempi are dealt with in detail. Schematic thinking is one of the few areas in which the human being is still superior to the computer. But be careful! No amount of schematic thinking can ever replace concrete calculation, and every rule of thumb has its exceptions. This DVD will help show you what to watch out for. Video runnig time: 5 hours.

29,99 €
Endgames of the World Champions Vol 1 & 2
Endgames of the World Champions Vol 1 & 2
Let endgame expert Dr Karsten Müller show and explain the finesses of the world champions.
54,90 €
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames

The aim of this DVD is to provide you with the practical skills and knowledge that you will need to play a rook and pawn endgame. Based on his own playing experience, Grandmaster Daniel King reveals what is essential knowledge, saving you time in your studies. The first section of the DVD compromises some basics – common positions you simply must understand if you enter a rook and pawn endgame, such as rook and pawn against rook. In the second section common scenarios are discussed, for example, endgames with all pawns on one wing, and endgames where one side has an extra pawn on one side of the board. In the third section you can gauge your knowledge by studying some specially prepared test positions. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video runningtime: 5 hours.

de Daniel King
29,90 €
Chess Endgames 1 to 14
Chess Endgames 1 to 14

La série de DVDs de Karsten Müller est passée dans les classiques de la théorie contemporaine des Finales. Vous trouverez ici tout ce qu'il faut savoir, des fondamentaux (tome 1) jusqu'aux règles d'or des Finales (tome 14), en passant par les Finales de figures lourdes ou les Finales asymétriques.

299,00 €
First Steps in Endgames
First Steps in Endgames
If you want to become a strong player you have to study the endgame. That’s just the way it is. Andrew Martin’s new DVD „First Steps in Endgames“ offers players with a rating of less than 1600 and young beginners a superb introduction to the endgame.
de Andrew Martin
27,90 €
Chess Endgames 7 - Endgame Principles Weaknesses & Fortresses
Chess Endgames 7 - Endgame Principles Weaknesses & Fortresses

But the themes are connected in various ways. If you do not master the art of pawn pawn you will end up with weaknesses. And your opponent then must know how to convert this advantage, which is not only important in the endgame. Learn how to convert an extra piece or an exchange or how to exploit space advantage and better mobility. The themes the art or defence, fortress and stalemate are also intertwined. Never give up prematurely. Always fight to the end and accept the new challange. If your position has a solid fundament then you may surprisingly reach a fortress which might even be based on a stalemate. Mistakes make chess fascinating. We all commit errors in all phases of the royal game. Make yourself familiar with the most common sources of errors and learn from your own mistakes and from the mistakes of others. Video running time: 5 Std. 40 min.

29,99 €
Endgame Fireworks
Endgame Fireworks

On this DVD Alexei Shirov shows that also in the endgame, it is possible to keep struggling for the full point to the very last - if you are creative and ambitious. Because even in objectively quite balanced positions, you can frequently find ways to sharpen up or complicate the fight. For the tournament player, often all that matters is to be able to pose practical problems which his or her opponent might finally fail to solve. Thus Shirov sees himself rather as an endgame practicioner, putting down his successes in this phase of the game less to concrete knowledge about theoretical positions than to the understanding of general principles, good intuition and exact calculation of variations. One main emphasis of the DVD is the endgame with rooks and different coloured bishops which Shirov finds particularly interesting, analysing five examples. Another important feature is the very complex and difficult setting with four rooks (three examples), where he works out most helpful general principles. All in all, Shirov examines 17 examples out of his own practice, among them his famous different coloured bishop ending versus Topalov which went around the whole world. Running time: 4,5 hours. This Fritztrainer is also running under Pocket Fritz 3!

32,90 €
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