
ChessBase Magazine 165

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Wijk aan Zee: Magnus Carlsen started badly, but 6 wins out of 6 in the middle of the tournament were sufficient for the sole lead. Those in second place Ding Liren, Wesley So and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave have each annotated a game for ChessBase Magazine.

Gibraltar: Hikaru Nakamura was the No. 1 seed in the major Open in Gibraltar and impressively confirmed his position: first 6 out of 6, finishing with 8.5 out of 10. The American has annotated for us his game against the young GM Baskaran.

Baden-Baden: Arkadij Naiditsch had an excellent tournament: a victory against the world champion and an undefeated 4.5 out of 7. But Carlsen reached the same score at the end and won through in the tiebreak.

Zürich: In the overall standings, Hikaru Nakamura finished level first with Anand. Thanks to his victory in the Armageddon game the American took overall first place. Annotations by Krasenkow and Pavlovic.

FIDE Grand-Prix Tbilisi: This came as a real surprise. No. 10 seed Evgeny Tomashevsky secured a majestic tournament victory with 8 out of 11 and with it went into the lead in the overall Grand Prix standings.

11 Opening articles with new repertoire ideas:
Sagar Shah: English 3.Bg2 h6
Ris: Accelerated Dragon 8...d5
Szabo: Sicilian English Attack
Havasi: French Tarrasch 3...Nf6
Marin: French Tarrasch 3...c5
Kuzmin: Slav 4.e3 Bg4
Postny: Ragosin Defence 5.Bg5 h6
Stohl: Semi-Slav/Catalan 5.g3
Krasenkow: Bogo-Indian 4.Nbd2 – Part 2 and more!

German, English
Tournament player Professional
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3月 2015
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