
ChessBase Magazine Extra 151

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 • 10.179 games, played between October and December 2012
  • biggest tournament: London classic op, 804 games (1. Melkumyan and van Kampen)
  • Rapd chess in Mexico with Magnus Carlsen
  • Wch Seniors 22nd
  • CBM Extra with videos in fritztrainer format:
  • Adrian Mikhalchishin presents an idea in the English Opening
  • Leonid Kritz analyses a classic, this time it's a Slav game Euwe-Alekhine from the revanche match in 1937
  • Lawrence Trent has the Trompowsky Attack in his repertoire - like many other English players. He presents another Tromp game form his own practice.

German, English
Tournament player Professional
1月 2013
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