
Vishnu Prasanna

GM Vishnu Prasanna is a strong grandmaster with a career high rating of 2545. However, he has found that his true calling lies in training, and he has worked with some of the best players of Indian chess. They include strong GMs like D. Gukesh, Surya Ganguly, Leon Mendonca and many others. Vishnu also has an academy in Chennai, where he works with players of all levels. This gives him great insight into how talent can be developed, and a view of the entire spectrum of chess improvement. He feels that there is no one way for any chess player to improve, and each must seek their own path towards reaching their maximum potential.

Published by ChessBase

How to Avoid Mistakes and Boost Your Winning Rate
How to Avoid Mistakes and Boost Your Winning Rate
Doesn’t every chess game get decided by mistakes? Absolutely. But most players never truly comprehend that they are making the same kind of mistakes over and over again.
by Vishnu Prasanna
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