
Henrik Danielsen

Born 1966, is a Danish grandmaster who now plays for Iceland and who has taken part in a total of five chess olympiads for the two countries. Danielsen works as a trainer and also has a lot of experience as an author of chess videos.

Published by ChessBase

The Slav against the Reti
The Slav against the Reti
Against the incredibly flexible Reti Opening (1.Nf3), Henrik Danielsen relies on a Slav setup: Black plays d5 followed by c6 and quickly develops his Bc8. The Islandic GM shows you many subtleties and tricks which you definitely need to know!
by Henrik Danielsen
An effective way of meeting the 6.Ne5-Slav
A clear program to fight the Panov Attack
The Benko Gambit with g3
The Benko Gambit with g3
by Henrik Danielsen
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