
Catalan Powerbook 2025

The games on which the Catalan Powerbook is based have an elo average of at least 2300. More than 415,000 engine games and 55,000 games from Mega 2025 + Correspondence Database 2024 exceed this elo threshold and form the basis for the Catalan Powerbook 2025. From White's point of view, the Catalan is an opening in which you can always rely on the enormous strength of the bishop on g2. For Black, Catalan is a rather unpleasant opening. You actually want to play the Nimzoindish or Queen's Gambit and now have to deal with the aggressive bishop on g2. However, Black can choose from a variety of systems (all of which White must know). In addition to the long main lines, where you either play 6...dxc4 or closed, early deviations - either 4...Bb4+ or 4...dxc4 with further options - have proven themselves in practice.

The Catalan Powerbook 2025 is based on over 415,000 games from the engine room and around 55,000 games played by humans, totalling over 470,000 games. The minimum threshold per game is 2300, so the Powerbook also offers reliable statistics in rarely played minor variations. Here is a small discovery from White's point of view: 4.g3 dxc4 5.Lg2 a6 6.0-0 Nc6 - so far all the most frequently played moves.

Now 7.e3 has always been considered the main move, but 7.Le3!? has better values in the Powerbook. After 7...Nd5 8.Dc1 Le7 9.Dxc4 Nxe3 10.fxe3 it's time for a short conclusion. There are 14 games in the online database, but the Powerbook is still based on over 1600 (!) games. The engine has values of 0.0, but the statistics still show a plus for White. Black has the bishop pair and a flawless pawn structure, but it's probably not easy for him to find a good plan.

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