
Annual subscription CBM + CBM EXTRA - plus 6 months Premium Membership for free!

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€245.75 €164.90
€138.57 without VAT (for customers outside the EU)
$148.27 (without VAT)

Get the complete ChessBase Magazine subscription incl. ChessBase Magazine Extra! You will receive a new issue every month - starting with ChessBase Magazine right at the beginning of the year. Train with the most popular ChessBase authors! Benefit from analyses of world class players, let Grandmasters show you new and surprising repertoire ideas, improve your tactics, your understanding of chess and your endgame technique!

ChessBase Magazine offers you several hours of video training with Grandmasters and experts in each issue. World class players such as Caruana, Duda, Anand, Vidit, So, Giri, Nepomniachtchi, Vachier-Lagrave, Gelfand, Yu Yangyi, Vitiugov and many more analyse their best games and explain the ideas behind their moves. Each issue also includes at least ten new opening articles with exciting ideas for your repertoire, an extensive collection of training exercises on tactics, strategy and endgames, and much more.

ChessBase Magazine Extra comes with a number of supplementary video lectures in every issue (six issues per year). Plus several thousand new games for your database, and a "Lucky bag", packed with many annotated games!

Save twice: For the annual subscription to CBM + CBM Extra you’ll pay only €164.90 per year (compared to €217.54 for the 12 individual issues). Moreover, as a bonus worth just under €25, you will also receive the ChessBase Premium membership for half a year when you renew your subscription to ChessBase Magazine + Extra. As a Premium user you can make full use of all the online offers of the ChessBase Account: from the playchess server to the live database and the completely redesigned video portal!


Full year subscription. It is automatically renewed if no notice of cancellation has been given by either party at least one month prior to renewal.


German, English
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Jan 2023
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