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Never too late for the Nimzo-Indian
Never too late for the Nimzo-Indian

Bologans way to the Nimzo-Indian was very long and difficult. Which he now regrets a lot: “I would better start it when I was young. First I played only the King’s Indian against 1.d4, later I learned Black’s Knights Tango, which already had some elements of the Nimzo-Indian and only in the new millenium I included the Nimzo Indian into my repertoire.” This period coincided with the period of winning the Dortmund 2003 tournament, when he managed to hold with Black against Vladimir Kramnik in the decisive last round in a Nimzo with 4.Qc2. The Moldavian grandmaster recommends the Nimzo-Indian to players of all levels, because it’s complex and simple at the same time. It teaches one very important thing in chess - how to play with the knight against a bishop. The Nimzo- Indian therefore has the same importance as the Ruy Lopez after 1.e4. This DVD is aimed to give Black a clear idea what to do against 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 which is considered the strongest move order by White. Video running time: 4 hours 14 min.

by Victor Bologan
Nimzo-Indian Powerbase 2022
Nimzo-Indian Powerbase 2022
Nimzo-Indian Powerbase 2022 is a database and contains a total of 9222 games, 492 of which are annotated.
Nimzo-Indian Powerbook 2022
Nimzo-Indian Powerbook 2022
How to play the Nimzo-Indian? Does White have promising variations available to him or can Black construct a water-tight repertoire? The answers are provided by the Powerbook based on more than 356 000 games, most of which were played by engines.
My best games in the Nimzo-Indian
My best games in the Nimzo-Indian

With this DVD on the Nimzo-Indian Defence (including the Catalan and the Queen‘s Indian) Alexei Shirov continues the successful and highly praised series about his best games. As in the preceding DVDs the Latvian super grandmaster succeeds in spoiling his public with analysis of a high quality and with exciting insights into his games, and he does so in his own reserved, pleasant and modest style. The DVD concentrates on the Classical Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2. But when playing against the very solid Nimzo-Indian, which the author faced most often as White, it is enormously important to be able to vary your opening lines and so the author himself often switches to 3.Nf3; this then leads to games with 3.b6 (Queen‘s Indian) or 3.d5 4.g3 (Catalan). Amongst the opponents in the games he presents are, for example, Topalov and Leko. Video running time: over 4 hours.

by Alexei Shirov
Counter the Nimzo-Indian Defence with Kramnik's Winning Strategy
Counter the Nimzo-Indian Defence with Kramnik's Winning Strategy
Former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik discovered a unique way to combat the Nimzo-Indian through an alternative move order: 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.g3/Qb3
by Adrian Mikhalchishin
Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2
Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2

Rustam Kasimdzhanov, the FIDE World Champion in 2004, is pre-destined to deal with the subject of the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2, since he has been extremely successful with this opening both with White and with Black. The Usbek grandmaster has also gathered valuable experience on the subject when working as a second to world champion Anand. Right from his introduction, Kasimdzhanov emphasises that the Nimzo-Indian has a lot of advantages and that White is often left with a ruined pawn structure; that is precisely what the queen move avoids. Of course in his investigations the author offers much deeper insights into the opening. In over 4 hours of video Rustam Kasimdzhanov explains all the important ideas, strategies and tricks helped by sample games in which the white side is represented, e.g., by Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik and Ivanchuk as well as the author himself. Video running time: 3 hours 28 min.

by Rustam Kasimdzhanov
No fear of 1.d4! Vol. 2 - Nimzo-Indian
No fear of 1.d4! Vol. 2 - Nimzo-Indian

Constancy and a striving for solid positions are what define Sergei Tiviakov’s opening repertoire. On his two repertoire DVDs against 1.d4 the top Dutch grandmaster presents to you exactly those variations and ideas with which he himself has been successful in tournament chess for many years. On the two DVDs all important systems which are available to White after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 are dealt with in detail. Also, in many areas Tiviakov offers you a choice between alternative variations for Black, between which you can decide according to your temperament. A further highlight of the DVDs is Tiviakov’s collection of all the games which he has played during his career with the Catalan, the Queen’s Indian and the Nimzo-Indian. Many of these are published on these DVDs for the very first time. Video running time: 5 hrs 36 min.

by Sergei Tiviakov
A lifetime repertoire: Play the Nimzo Indian
A lifetime repertoire: Play the Nimzo Indian
This DVD provides everything you need to know to be able to play one of the most classical openings with Black, the Nimzo-Indian, arising after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4. Nearly every World Championship and top tournament features the Nimzo-Indian.
by Rustam Kasimdzhanov
The Reti, a flexible attacking opening
The Reti, a flexible attacking opening
The Nimzo-Indian, the Gruenfeld and the King’s Indian Defence are three incredibly uncomfortable defences to meet. This hypermodern DVD gives new ideas on how to squash these setups with sound, positional play based on double fianchetto systems.
by Alejandro Ramirez
The Ragozin Defense
The Ragozin Defense
The Ragozin is being played by every top grandmaster in the world - it is time you also add it to your repertoire to get interesting and dynamic positions against 1. d4!
by Alejandro Ramirez
Beat the Queen's Indian: The modern Fianchetto Line
Beat the Queen's Indian: The modern Fianchetto Line
This DVD is packed full of new, exciting and novel ideas; based on a repertoire starting with the moves 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 with g3! to follow.
by Simon Williams
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 2
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 2
In this “three-part” video series I take a look at a main line White system based on 1.d4. This series is aimed at the ambitious player who is looking to put maximum pressure on their opponent from the start of the game. In this DVD I consider positions i
by Nicholas Pert
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