Affichage 253-264 de 416 résultats
Tactic Toolbox Scheveningen
Tactic Toolbox Scheveningen
All players meeting the Sicilian with White or playing it with Black will be entertained, surprised and their knowledge enriched by spending moments with this selection of the best tactical positions.
27,90 €
The French Defence for the Tournament Player
The French Defence for the Tournament Player
This French Defence DVD is a complete attacking opening repertoire for black after 1.e4 e6. GM Nick Pert has played the French defence his whole life and provides all his la test and most up to date analysis crammed into 1 DVD.
de Nicholas Pert
29,90 €
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 2: Attacking lines
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 2: Attacking lines
The resulting positions are usually dynamic or double-edged and offer fairly balanced chances. The better tactician may win, but do not be dissappointed if the game ends in a spectacular and logical draw!
29,90 €
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 1: Positional lines
Play the Pirc like a Grandmaster Vol. 1: Positional lines
In the positional systems White does not try to refute the Pirc from the very first moves, but aims for a long strategic battle to prove that his space advantage and better development will finally give him the better position.
29,90 €
The Modern Scotch Opening
The Modern Scotch Opening
In this DVD, Parimarjan Negi looks at the latest revolution in Scotch theory that has completely changed white’s plans, and once again brought back the interest of the world’s elite.
29,90 €
The Sicilian Tajmanov-Scheveningen
The Sicilian Tajmanov-Scheveningen
The Sicilian has been known for decades as the most reliable way for Black to obtain an unbalanced but good position. Among the most popular Sicilians at the top level the two that certainly stand out are the Najdorf and the Paulsen.
29,90 €
Fighting against the Caro-Kann with the Advance Variation
Fighting against the Caro-Kann with the Advance Variation
The Caro-Kann Defence is one of the most solid replies for Black after 1.e4. Bologan's choice of the Advance Variation for White is because of the complex strategical play in which White has a long-term space advantage.
29,90 €
Tactic Toolbox Najdorf
Tactic Toolbox Najdorf
The aim of this DVD is to demonstrate the typical tactical themes of the Sicilian Najdorf and to improve your understanding of them, as well as to practice them with the interactive examples.
29,90 €
King's Gambit Vol.2
King's Gambit Vol.2
Some of the most interesting lines in the King’s Gambit starting with 3 Nf3, especially concentrating ‘on the refutation of the King’s Gambit (Fischer)’ 3...g5. And what happens if Black does not play 2...exf4 is covered.
29,90 €
King's Gambit Vol.1
King's Gambit Vol.1
This DVD concentrates on the King’s Gambit accepted with 3.Bc4. Williams has included a lot of novelties and interesting attacking variations that should wet the lips of any attacking player, looking for an interesting way of meeting 1...e5!
29,90 €
Winning against the Grünfeld
Winning against the Grünfeld

La Grünfeld est très dynamique. La position des Noirs semble souvent ne tenir qu'à un fil, Cependant, cet équilibre précaire suffit à la rendre entièrement viable jusqu'au plus haut niveau!

29,90 €
The modern Grand Prix Attack
The modern Grand Prix Attack
This DVD will provide you with a comprehensive repertoire that explores all of Black’s ideas against the Grand Prix set up. My recommendations include a number of lines which are relatively unexplored by theory, and I have analysed them extensively.
27,90 €