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Recherché: ruy lopez
Affichage 1-12 de 83 résultats
Ruy Lopez Powerbook 2023
Ruy Lopez Powerbook 2023
The Ruy Lopez Powerbook 2023 has a tree structure based on 2.71 million computer chess games played in the engine room of playchess.com.
9,90 €
Fighting the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation with Qe7 in 60 Minutes
Fighting the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation with Qe7 in 60 Minutes
The odd-looking move 5….Qe7 is an ideal surprise weapon against the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez. Robert Ris takes a look at possible variations.
de Robert Ris
9,90 €
Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez
Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez
The purpose of this DVD is to teach players how to conduct the attack on the black king using different methods. Although the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez are mostly positional openings, it is very often possible to make use of attacking methods of play
27,90 €
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 2: Steinitz, Anti-Marshall, Open & Co.
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 2: Steinitz, Anti-Marshall, Open & Co.

Really, among the open games the only opening with which White can really fight for an advantage in the long term is the Ruy Lopez. But in order to make this serious effort, he has buckle down and learn a whole series of sub-variations. That is what the professionals do, including of course Viktor Bologan, who now reveals the secrets of his own grandmaster repertoire. On his second Ruy Lopez DVD Viktor Bologan shows how things continue after 3...a6 4.Ba4. Black has some possible deviations before we reach the main lines which are dealt with in Part 3. These include the solid Steinitz Defence and the Archangelsk Variation which has again been brought up to date. In the Open Ruy Lopez quite different types of positions are reached - and White need to understand these too. And our author prefers to avoid the Marshall Attack - so he suggests the Anti-Marshall beginning with 8.h3. Video running time: 5 hours 20 min.

29,90 €
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 3: Main Variations
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 3: Main Variations

Really, among the open games the only opening with which White can really fight for an advantage in the long term is the Ruy Lopez. But in order to make this serious effort, he has buckle down and learn a whole series of sub-variations. That is what the professionals do, including of course Viktor Bologan, who now reveals the secrets of his own grandmaster repertoire. For many the Ruy Lopez really only begins after the moves 3...a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.h3 0-0 9.c3 - the starting point for Bologan’s third DVD. Black then has a whole host of variations, but the ensuing structures have much in common and if you are equipped with some insider tips you will be able to take the correct decisions which can frequently only be made on a basis of generalised evaluations. Viktor Bologan is an outstanding adviser because when one considers his super score against the Ruy Lopez, he must have excellent knowledge of the ins and outs of this opening, and he does not hold back from sharing this knowledge with you. Video running time: 5 hours

29,90 €
Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez
Guide to the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez

The variation against the Ruy Lopez presented in meticulous detail by Alexei Shirov (3...a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5) has so far had no recognised name and Shirov himself has named it after Vladislav Tkachiev, the 2007 European champion, the Tkachiev Ruy Lopez. In fact the grandmaster from Kazakhstan has played a few important games with this system, but it would have been just as justified to name the variation after our author himself, because since 1996 Shirov has not only played numerous games with it, but recently he has turned it into his main weapon against 1.e4 - with splendid success and a lot of imitators. The super grandmaster now shares all this collected knowledge with his viewers. Apart from the Exchange Variation (to which Shirov also devotes a model game) White has hardly any serious deviation after 3.Bb5, making of the Tkachiev Variation a good weapon against the Ruy Lopez. Video running time: 6 hours.

32,90 €
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.6 - Ruy Lopez Structures
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.6 - Ruy Lopez Structures
Understanding an opening doesn’t stop after the theory. It’s essential to understand ideas and structures connected to the opening moves. In this video course, we’ll concentrate on structures in the Ruy Lopez Defence.
de Ivan Sokolov
29,90 €
Ruy Lopez Powerbase 2023
Ruy Lopez Powerbase 2023
Ruy Lopez Powerbase 2023 is a database and contains a total of 10947 games from Mega 2023 and the Correspondence Database 2022, of which 1232 are annotated.
9,90 €
Open Ruy Lopez
Open Ruy Lopez

The Open Ruy Lopez gives Black free piece play and chances for the initiative. This sharp and interesting variation has been used by many of the all-time greats, including Anand, Kortschnoi, Botvinnik, Keres, Euwe, Fine and Reshevsky and this is by no means an exhaustive list. White will argue that Black loosens his position in the Open Variation, but if Black takes the time and trouble to learn the ideas and tactical themes that underpin this line, he has every chance to win the game. This will be especially interesting to the club player as it doubtless has been to the grandmasters mentioned above. The Open Ruy Lopez remains popular in tournament and match play at all levels and in late 2010 this looks set to continue. It’s a rich opening variation which attracts players of every style. It’s also one of Black’s very best responses to the ‘Spanish torture’. Video running time: 3 hrs 40 min.

de Andrew Martin
29,90 €
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 1: Berlin Wall and others
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 1: Berlin Wall and others

Really, among the open games the only opening with which White can really fight for an advantage in the long term is the Ruy Lopez. But in order to make this serious effort, he has buckle down and learn a whole series of sub-variations. That is what the professionals do, including of course Viktor Bologan, who now reveals the secrets of his own grandmaster repertoire. In the first part the top Moldovan player deals with systems in which Black avoids the main continuation 3...a6 on his third move. These include exotic lines such as 3...Nd4, 3...Nge7, 3...g6 and 3...Bc5, which should however not be under-estimated. In 3...f5 (the Schliemann Defence) he examines a system which has even found its way into the repertoire of many a top player. But the most important variation starts with 3...Nf6 and in its main move order leads to the Berlin Wall. Nowadays, anyone who plays the Ruy Lopez must know above all what he is going to play against this modern defence. Video running time: 4 hours 42 min.

29,90 €
How to play the Ruy Lopez with Qe2
How to play the Ruy Lopez with Qe2
To avoid theory battles in well-known lines against Ruy Lopez (Berlin, Open Variation or the Marshall Attack), Sergey Tiviakov invites you into the world of an extraordinary early queen move for White: Qe2 – elegant, effective and easy to learn!
29,90 €
The sharpest Ruy Lopez: Delayed Jaenisch in 60 Minutes
The sharpest Ruy Lopez: Delayed Jaenisch in 60 Minutes
Looking for some action against the Ruy Lopez? The Delayed Jaenisch, arising from the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 f5, will be your choice from now on!
de Robert Ris
9,90 €
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