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•    World Championship Sochi: It cost Carlsen a lot of effort to gain his 6.5:4.5 victory..The seconds Peter Heine Nielsen and Radek Wojtaszek have each annotated a game. Daniel King’s 11 daily summaries in video format are also something you should not miss!

•    London Chess Classic: Anand was in surprisingly good form right after the wch and managed to decide the tournament in his favour. Kramnik has annotated his game against Nakamura. In addition there are two daily video summaries by Daniel King.

•    Qatar Open: The Chinese player Yu Yangyi  defeated in succession the two leaders Giri and Kramnik and won the strongly contested open with 7.5 out of 9. The 20-year old has annotated these two wins for this issue!

•    Moscow Petrosian Memorial: With his clear victory (5.5 out of 7) Grischuk made the leap over the Elo barrier of 2800. With games annotated by Krasenkow, Marin, Postny, and Roiz.

•    12 Opening articles with new repertoire ideas!
Illingworth: Reti Opening – Part 2
Moskalenko: Pirc Defence 4.f4
Kuzmin: Sicilian Paulsen 7.Qd3
and more!

German, English
Tournament player Professional
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1月 2015
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