
Jan Werle

GM Jan Werle is a professional chess trainer, coach and author. In 2008 he became EU-champion in Liverpool and reached his peak rating of 2607. Hereafter finished his law studies obtaining two master law degrees (civil and commercial law) before he commenced with his job as a lawyer. However, his main passion, chess, prevailed and led to a comeback. He is, inter alia, giving chess lessons online to pupils worldwide (werlechessschool@hotmail.com), but also in schools. He enjoys to help and teach his students and to watch them improve. He combines the teaching with the playing of tournaments, keeping up his own level.

Published by ChessBase

The Catalan, an opening repertoire for life Vol.2 - Closed Catalan
The Catalan, an opening repertoire for life Vol.2 - Closed Catalan
Mastering piece setups in various pawn structures and transitioning to a dominant middlegame, this course equips you with the insight and flexibility to outmanoeuvre your opponents in the Closed Catalan.
by Jan Werle
The Catalan, an opening repertoire for life Vol.1 - Open Catalan
The Catalan, an opening repertoire for life Vol.1 - Open Catalan
Dominate the Open Catalan: Unlock key strategies and dynamic plans for a lifetime repertoire!
by Jan Werle
The Saemisch Variation against the King's Indian and Benoni
The Saemisch Variation against the King's Indian and Benoni
Beat the King’s Indian and Benoni structures with the impenetrable pawn phalanx g2-f3-e4-d5. Encounter your opponent with sound and fresh ideas in this classical rebooted line of the Saemisch!
by Jan Werle
The Rossolimo and Moscow Variation Bundle
The Rossolimo and Moscow Variation Bundle
These DVDs will show you dangerous new sidelines that are ideal for combatting the Sicilian after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6/d6 3.Bb5(+), with your author giving you the positional ideas behind less well-trodden Sicilian paths that avoid the main and winding main
by Jan Werle
A modern approach against the 2...e6-Sicilian
A modern approach against the 2...e6-Sicilian
Don't you have time to follow the latest and aggressive developments inthe main lines of the Sicilian? But do you want to obtain a comfortable position with White? In that case you should aim for the solid but venomous lines of 3.b3 against 2...e6.
by Jan Werle
A modern approach against the Sicilian Vol.2: The Moscow Variation
A modern approach against the Sicilian Vol.2: The Moscow Variation
This DVD will show you dangerous new sidelines that are ideal for combatting the Sicilian after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+, with your author giving you the positional ideas behind less well-trodden Sicilian paths that avoid the main and winding main lines.
by Jan Werle
A modern approach against the Sicilian Vol.1: The Rossolimo Variation
A modern approach against the Sicilian Vol.1: The Rossolimo Variation
This DVD will show you dangerous new sidelines that are ideal for combatting the Sicilian after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5, with your author giving you the positional ideas behind less well-trodden Sicilian paths that avoid the main and winding main lines.
by Jan Werle
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