

In the meantime Sicilian opening theory has grown so much that many players seek refuge in sub-variations. Whether with the Morra Gambit (2.d4), the Grand Prix Attack (2.f4) or the Closed Sicilian (2.Nc3), White has many interesting possibilities. But Black too can flee after the main move 2.Nf3 into variations which involve much less theory, one of these being the O'Kelly Variation 2...a6!?

Published by ChessBase

The Funky Löwenthal Variation in 60 Minutes
The Funky Löwenthal Variation in 60 Minutes
Whether you’re looking for thrilling attacks, or steady positional play, the Löwenthal Variation has more to offer than meets the eye.
by Nico Zwirs
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
In this 60 Minutes video course you will learn the ins-and-outs of the Grivas Sicilian which starts after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qb6!
by Nico Zwirs
The Closed Sicilian
The Closed Sicilian
The Closed Sicilian offers White a set of easy-to-understand plans, the chance of a kingside attack and little danger of being outgunned by tactics in the opening.
by Andrew Martin
A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
In this 60-Minutes Markus Ragger presents a repertoire which has been tested at top level that takes your opponents into more unfamiliar territory. The basic system is introduced with the rather unusual capture on d4 with the queen.
by Markus Ragger
A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians
A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians
In this video series Pert gives a strong and practical Black repertoire against the Anti-Sicilians such as the Bb5 Sicilian, the Grand Prix Attack, the Alapin and many more, from my years of experience playing the Sicilian.
by Nicholas Pert
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1: Understanding The Dragon
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1: Understanding The Dragon
In this first part, the emphasis is on themes and ideas as the viewer is armed with tactical and positional motifs and concepts after 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6.
by Chris Ward
A modern approach against the 2...e6-Sicilian
A modern approach against the 2...e6-Sicilian
Don't you have time to follow the latest and aggressive developments inthe main lines of the Sicilian? But do you want to obtain a comfortable position with White? In that case you should aim for the solid but venomous lines of 3.b3 against 2...e6.
by Jan Werle
A nightmare for the Najdorf
A nightmare for the Najdorf
Fighting against the Najdorf is always difficult, but GM Tiviakov demonstrates a very effective way to combat this popular opening. Crafty players take the fight to their opponents on their own terms, and starting with 2.Nc3 you’ll learn how to take Najdo
by Sergei Tiviakov
Smash the Sicilian with the Smith-Morra Gambit
Smash the Sicilian with the Smith-Morra Gambit
The Smith-Morra Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.d4!) is a great attacking weapon against the popular Sicilian . On move two White sacrifices a pawn for fast development and good attacking chances, and Black can easily fall into one of the many devious opening traps.
by Michael Rahal
The Löwenthal Variation in the Sicilian Defence
The Löwenthal Variation in the Sicilian Defence
In this 60 minutes video GM Nadezhda Kosintseva offers White a repertoire to counter the Löwenthal Variation.
by Nadezhda Kosintseva
The surprising Sicilian - Shock your opponent with an early ...Qb6
The surprising Sicilian - Shock your opponent with an early ...Qb6
The Kveinys Variation : 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Qb6! is surprisingly little-played, yet gives Black excellent chances and on this new ChessBase DVD, Andrew Martin explains how the system works.
by Andrew Martin
The Classical Sicilian
The Classical Sicilian
This DVD offers Black a complete repertoire against all weapons White may employ on move six. The recommended repertoire is not as risky as other Sicilians but still offers Black plenty of counter-play.
by Mihail Marin
A dangerous Anti-Sicilian: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3!
A dangerous Anti-Sicilian: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3!
Play like Carlsen, avoid theory but without being passive or losing the initiative.
by Andrew Martin
A Repertoire against the Sicilian
A Repertoire against the Sicilian
Avoid long theoretical battles by playing 3.Bb5 or 3.b3/3.g3 against the sicilian. Lorin D’Costa and Nick Murphy show you, how you play for an advantage in these systems and how to punish knowledge gaps of your opponent.
by Lorin D'Costa, Nick Murphy
Power Play 21: A repertoire for black against the Anti-Sicilians
Power Play 21: A repertoire for black against the Anti-Sicilians
Accept the Morra Gambit with confidence. Tame the Grand Prix Attack. Put fear into the heart of every tedious 2 c3 player. You can make 1...c5 a dangerous weapon whether it’s an open or closed Sicilian.
by Daniel King
The modern Grand Prix Attack
The modern Grand Prix Attack
This DVD will provide you with a comprehensive repertoire that explores all of Black’s ideas against the Grand Prix set up. My recommendations include a number of lines which are relatively unexplored by theory, and I have analysed them extensively.
by Lawrence Trent
An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire
An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire
by Loek van Wely
The f4 Sicilian
The f4 Sicilian
by Nigel Davies
The closed Sicilian
The closed Sicilian
by Nigel Davies