It is easy to understand why the English Opening is very popular at all levels, from club player up to Grandmaster level. The variations are less forcing and superior chess skill is required to outwit your opponents in the middlegame. In the English, white plays 1.c4 and fianchettos the white kings bishop to g2. Like all good chess openings, this fights for control of the centre and posts the ‘English Bishop’ on the long diagonal g2-a8. Many people view the opening as rather dull, but this is a misnomer - in fact, there are many sharp pawn sacrifices and attacking lines which have been found in recent times which give the opening some bite. As such, the English Opening is an opening that can suit a wide range of playing styles. Success in the English is based upon understanding the plans and ideas available within this interesting opening. The games in this DVD will provide with exactly that - the armoury to play the English Opening as white with confidence!
Includes all of black's main responses to the English Opening 1.c4:
1) 1.c4 e5
2) 1.c4 c5 Symmetrical English
3) 1.c4 setups against Slav, King's Indian, Grunfeld
4) 1.c4 b6 and other minor lines
• Video running time: 7 hours
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Exclusive training database with 58 essential games
• Including CB 12 Reader