Whoever plays the Najdorf Variation is following in the footsteps of Fischer, Kasparov, Anand, Gelfand and Topalov. Recent years have witnessed enormous development in this opening, and despite that the last word is a long way from having been said on the matter. Nowadays new ideas in the opening see the light of day above all with the support of chess engines. And it is not rare for tomorrow’s theory to be forged in the “Engine versus Engine” struggles in the computer room on playchess.com. The new Najdorf Powerbook 2014 brings both of these together: the latest state of theory based on 87 000 master games in conjunction with more than 1 580 000 top class Najdorf games from the engine room on playchess.com.
In it 6.Be3 has long since replaced the move preferred in human chess, 6.Bg5. The main variation continues as follows: 6...e5 7.Nb3 Be6 8.f3 (those who do not like 6.Be3 Ng4 can also start with 6.f3) 8...h5 9.Qd2 Nbd7 10.Nd5 Bxd5 11.exd5,
and whereas the Online Database may already, thanks to numerous correspondence games, contain more than 500 games, the Najdorf Powerbook 2014 is based at this point on far more than 300 000 games. In this line White can even achieve a slight superiority, which is clearly more than is the case in the long main lines after 6.Bg5.
Pentium PC, 512 MB RAM, Windows Vista, Windows 8, 7 or XP and Fritz12 or higher, Houdini 4,Junior 12, Rybka 4