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My best games in the Spanish Vol. 3
My best games in the Spanish Vol. 3

New concepts in an old opening. On his third DVD on the Spanish Opening Alexei Shirov pursues new ways, analysing not only his own games but also the works of other world-class players. In his quest to deal with topical developments and present the latest opening concepts, he examines for example the Jaenisch Gambit (3. ... f5) which was revived by Teimour Radjabov on top tournament level. Furthermore, very interesting new ideas are to be found in the games of Gata Kamsky - here the author depicts examples from the Closed Spanish (Breyer System and Saitzev System) as well as the Open Ruy Lopez. As far as his own games are concerned, this time Shirov puts the main emphasis on the accepted Marshall Gambit (more than 2 hours of analysis) - a system which has got him good results recently and which he considers a promising attempt to fi ght this popular opening line. To round off the DVD, there are two videos featuring games with the Anti-Marshall System as well as the Berlin Defence. Total playing time: 5 h 51 m

by Alexei Shirov
The flexible Open Spanish
The flexible Open Spanish
In this opening Black opts for active piece play and is not afraid to fight for the initiative from an early stage. One of the many good features of this opening is that Black is often the side which controls the pace of the game.
by Sipke Ernst
My best games in the Spanish Vol. 2
My best games in the Spanish Vol. 2

Shirov’s first Ruy Lopez DVD found an enthusiastic reception by the audience. In this second and current volume, Alexei Shirov continues his presentation – with topical games of his own, starting in October 2006. At the high-class tournaments of last year and also during the candidate matches in Elista (versus Adams and Aronian), Shirov was trusting the Spanish Opening both with the white and the black pieces. As Black, he most successfully returned to the system 5. ... b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 (5 games). As White, he had to face the difficult question how to deal best with the popular Marshall Attack (8. ... d5) (3 games). Further topics of discussion are the Berlin Defence as well as so important systems of the Closed Ruy Lopez like the Breyer, the Flohr-Saitzev or the Chigorin. Enjoy six hours of chess with one of the best players of our times.

by Alexei Shirov
Spanish Exchange Variation
Spanish Exchange Variation

A simple idea underpins the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez. Take all the pieces off and White wins the ending. Naturally, the execution of this plan is anything but simple because Black obtains the Bishop pair and free piece play to compensate him for his doubled pawns on c6. Nevertheless, it is useful to have something to aim for! Many World Champions have employed 4.Bxc6 and we will see some of their encounters on this DVD, along with a collection of very recent examples. Bobby Fischer was perhaps the most influential of those who played 4.Bxc6 ,as he showed the line could be played dynamically and that White was not restricted only to play for better endgames. The Exchange Variation is suitable for all levels of player, completely sound and a good tournament weapon. On this new ChessBase DVD, Andrew Martin makes a convincing case for White’s chances. In 2010, 4.Bxc6 is as dangerous as ever. Video running time: 4 hours.

by Andrew Martin
Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 2: Open Games
Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 2: Open Games

The DVD answers those questions and many more. Based on his own Black repertoire, GM Jan Gustafsson provides you with all the tools you could need to succesfully combat 1.e4 with 1...e5! Learn why 4...Nf6 spells trouble for Scotch enthusiasts, how to deal with the Evans Gambit and why the King’s Gambit should be accepted. Popular lines like 5.d3 in the Spanish are covered, just like the Four Knights, the Ponziani or the Vienna Game, exotic lines like 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d4 get their treatment as well. Many novelties and improvements over existing theory are to be found along the way. After watching this DVD you will no longer fear your opponent’s deviations from a main line Spanish, in fact, you will positively hope for them! In 19 chapters with a running time of 5h 34, you can complete your e4 e5 repertoire.

by Jan Gustafsson
Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 1 and 2: Marshall Attack and Open Games
Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 1 and 2: Marshall Attack and Open Games

This package contains a whole Black Repertoire against 1.e4. In Volume 1 you'll get to know the Marshall attack and in Volume 2 the Open Games. Learn all the details and fundamental knowledge instructively presented by GM Jan Gustafsson.


by Jan Gustafsson
Tactic Toolbox Ruy Lopez / Spanish Opening
Tactic Toolbox Ruy Lopez / Spanish Opening
Starting with Black’s alternatives on move 3 and working through until the main lines of the Closed Lopez and the Marshall and Anti-Marshall, the viewer will find his knowledge of the opening developing in tandem with an improvement in his tactical abilit
by Sam Collins
The Spanish Fianchetto
The Spanish Fianchetto
In this DVD, Sam Collins explains the key ideas of 3…g6 and provides a complete repertoire for Black, suitable for regular use.
by Sam Collins
The Ruy Lopez Breyer Variation
The Ruy Lopez Breyer Variation
Pavel Eljanov explains in depth what Gyula Breyer already saw in 1911 and what became an opening choice of the likes of Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand or Carlsen. The Breyer Variation, which is characterised by the knight retreat to b8.
by Pavel Eljanov
My best games in the Spanish Vol. 1
My best games in the Spanish Vol. 1
Let Shirov show you how to break down the super-solid Berlin Defence
by Alexei Shirov
Open Ruy Lopez
Open Ruy Lopez

The Open Ruy Lopez gives Black free piece play and chances for the initiative. This sharp and interesting variation has been used by many of the all-time greats, including Anand, Kortschnoi, Botvinnik, Keres, Euwe, Fine and Reshevsky and this is by no means an exhaustive list. White will argue that Black loosens his position in the Open Variation, but if Black takes the time and trouble to learn the ideas and tactical themes that underpin this line, he has every chance to win the game. This will be especially interesting to the club player as it doubtless has been to the grandmasters mentioned above. The Open Ruy Lopez remains popular in tournament and match play at all levels and in late 2010 this looks set to continue. It’s a rich opening variation which attracts players of every style. It’s also one of Black’s very best responses to the ‘Spanish torture’. Video running time: 3 hrs 40 min.

by Andrew Martin
1.e4 e5 - An active Repertoire for Black
1.e4 e5 - An active Repertoire for Black

For young and developing players a very important piece of advice is to study open positions and to understand the value of coordination of the pieces plus the role of the centre. These goals can be achieved just by answering 1.e4 with 1...e5. Some players claim that these positions are not sharp and interesting enough, and they believe that different Sicilians should be one’s choice, but that is not completely correct. The idea of this DVD is to show that 1.e4 e5 can be extremely entertaining and that Black can obtain interesting counterplay in every opening. There are two lines proposed in the Spanish systems plus the most active alternatives against other white choices. Video running time: 6 h 48 min.

by Adrian Mikhalchishin
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