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Search: daniel king
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Power Play 15 - Practical Pawn Endgames
Power Play 15 - Practical Pawn Endgames

The aim of this DVD is to provide you with the practical skills and knowledge that you will need to play a king and pawn endgame. Based on his own playing experience, Grandmaster Daniel King reveals what is essential knowledge, saving you time in your studies. In the first section of the DVD he takes you through typical motifs and themes. In the second section he tests your knowledge with typical scenarios from actual games. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video runningtime: 4 hours.

by Daniel King
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames
Power Play 16 - Test Your Rook Endgames

The aim of this DVD is to provide you with the practical skills and knowledge that you will need to play a rook and pawn endgame. Based on his own playing experience, Grandmaster Daniel King reveals what is essential knowledge, saving you time in your studies. The first section of the DVD compromises some basics – common positions you simply must understand if you enter a rook and pawn endgame, such as rook and pawn against rook. In the second section common scenarios are discussed, for example, endgames with all pawns on one wing, and endgames where one side has an extra pawn on one side of the board. In the third section you can gauge your knowledge by studying some specially prepared test positions. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video runningtime: 5 hours.

by Daniel King
Power Play 9 - major pieces vs. minor pieces
Power Play 9 - major pieces vs. minor pieces

 In this 9th Power Play DVD Grandmaster Daniel King discusses the theme of Major Pieces v. Minor Pieces. In other words, positions with the material balance of queen against rook and minor piece, queen against two rooks, and rook against minor pieces, including exchange sacrifices. Sometimes a queen or rook is like an all-powerful giant, striding across the chessboard. So how can you best defend yourself against a queen? Or if you are battling with a bishop against a rook, what should your strategy be? Among other things, Daniel King considers Topalov’s dynamic exchange sacrifices. These material imbalances are incredibly common – be prepared and take control. Throughout the DVD, specially selected positions will enable you to test your understanding of the subject. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video running time: 4 hrs. 15 min.

by Daniel King
Power Play 10 - Calculation
Power Play 10 - Calculation

 You play 20 moves of elegant positional chess - but throw the game away by miscalculating. To play a good game of chess you must know how to calculate. The ability to calculate is not something that chessplayers are born with. Calculation is a core skill that can be improved through practice. In this 10th Power Play DVD Grandmaster Daniel King will help you to assess how good you are at calculating, and gives you tips as to how you might sharpen your thought processes at the chessboard. Throughout the DVD, specially selected positions will enable you to test your understanding of the subject. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video running time: 4 hours 30 min.

by Daniel King
Power Play 11 - Defence
Power Play 11 - Defence

 There is a seeming inevitability to many defeats – one side has the initiative, goes on the attack and from that moment it is very difficult to turn back the tide. In this 11th Power Play DVD Grandmaster Daniel King will help you to identify those key moments where there is potential danger. The secret to good defensive play is to avoid falling into a passive defensive position! Throughout the DVD, specially selected positions will enable you to test your understanding of the subject. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video running time: 5 h 25 min.

by Daniel King
Power Play Strategy package - 6 DVDs
Power Play Strategy package - 6 DVDs
The strategy package will help you to understand more about chess than you ever have before!
by Daniel King
Master Class Vol.8 - Magnus Carlsen 2nd Edition
Master Class Vol.8 - Magnus Carlsen 2nd Edition
Let our authors show you how Carlsen tailored his openings to be able to outplay his opponents strategically in the middlegame or to obtain an enduring advantage into the endgame.
by Daniel King, Dr. Karsten Müller, Mihail Marin, Oliver Reeh, Niclas Huschenbeth
Master Class Vol.8 - Magnus Carlsen - Update
Master Class Vol.8 - Magnus Carlsen - Update
Let our authors show you how Carlsen tailored his openings to be able to outplay his opponents strategically in the middlegame or to obtain an enduring advantage into the endgame.
by Daniel King, Dr. Karsten Müller, Mihail Marin, Oliver Reeh, Niclas Huschenbeth
Power Play 7 - Improve your pieces
Power Play 7 - Improve your pieces

 Why is manoeuvring important, and in what circumstances should we consider manoeuvring rather than another course of action? In this 7th Power Play DVD, Daniel King helps you to recognise when a piece is poorly placed and what to do about it. Throughout the DVD, specially selected positions will enable you to test your understanding of the subject. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. 

by Daniel King
Power Play Attack package - 6 DVDs
Power Play Attack package - 6 DVDs
Attack and win!
by Daniel King
Power Play 2 - Attacking the king
Power Play 2 - Attacking the king

Checkmate ends the game – that’s an undeniable fact. Yet one sometimes gains the impression that players who gleefully and unashamedly play for the attack are treated as a joke by their colleagues. Launching a successful attack is a skillful business that often demands great creativity. And like most themes in chess, this is a skill that can be honed and polished. In this second DVD in the Power Play series, Grandmaster Daniel King looks at attacking play and asks, what makes for a successful attack? At the end of the DVD you can test your attacking and defensive skills by examining a series of specially selected test positions. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer.  Video running time: 4h 56min

by Daniel King
Power Play 3 - Pawn storm
Power Play 3 - Pawn storm

Launching a successful attack is a skilful business that often demands great creativity. And like most themes in chess, this is a skill that can be honed and polished. In this 3rd DVD in the Power Play series, Grandmaster Daniel King examines more devilish methods of attacking the castled king – this time by means of a pawn storm. But which is the right pawn to use? And when is the right moment to launch a pawn in the direction of your opponent’s king? At the end of the DVD you can test your attacking and defensive skills by examining a series of specially selected test positions. The Power Play series is suitable for anyone looking to improve their chess, but also provides ready-made lessons and exercises for a trainer. Video running time: 5h 50min

by Daniel King
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