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Endgame Turbo 4
Endgame Turbo 4
Perfect endgame analysis and a huge increase in engine performance: Get it with the new Endgame Turbo 4! Thanks to a new format (Syzygy-Tablebases) the Endgame Turbo 4 is smaller, faster and yet has more scope than the old version.
Chess Endgames 2 - Rook Endgames
Chess Endgames 2 - Rook Endgames

Endgame theory forms the basis for chess. This becomes painfully clear as soon as a player has reached a clearly won endgame, yet must fi nally content himself with a draw because he lacks the necessary know-how. Does this sound familiar? Then avoid such accidents and make endgames your strength – by building up a solid endgame technique. With this second volume of his endgame training series, grandmaster and endgame expert Dr Karsten Mueller from Hamburg continues to lay the solid foundations for the last phase of the game. After dealing with basic endgames from giving mate with the queen to the basics of pawn endgames in part I, part II is dedicated exclusively to rook endgames: rook versus pawn, rook and pawn versus rook, rook and rook pawn versus rook, rook and two connected pawns versus rook. Those who have always found studying endgames with chess textbooks too dry and tedious will enjoy this DVD with its comfortable training system and benefi t enormously – in brilliant endgames at the actual board. Complete video running time: 5 hours. Author: Since 1988 grandmaster Dr. Karsten Mueller from Hamburg plays for the Hamburger Schachklub in the Bundesliga and in 1996 and 1997 he fi nished third in the German Championship. As an internationally renowned endgame expert he is the author of the endgame column in the ChessBase magazine and the author of the Endgame Corner column on ChessCafe.com. His book „Fundamental Chess Endings“, which he co-authored with Frank Lamprecht and which was published in 2001 by Gambit is already considered to be a modern classic.

by Dr. Karsten Müller
Endgame Turbo 5 USB flash drive
Endgame Turbo 5 USB flash drive
Perfect endgame analysis and a huge increase in engine performance: Get it with the new Endgame Turbo 5!
Chess Endgames 5 - Endgame Principles Activity & Initiative
Chess Endgames 5 - Endgame Principles Activity & Initiative

The first 4 DVDs in the series on the endgame cast some light on theoretical endgames and were systematically organised according to the distribution of material, starting with pawn endings and going on to deal with subjects such as the bishop pair and double rook endings. Now it is the turn of the underlying Endgame principles, which in this fifth DVD consist of activity, the initiative, mate and making the correct exchanges. Activity is above all important when we consider the role of the kings in the endgame because it is then that they leave their protective shield of pawns and take an active part in the proceedings. A further major topic is the activity of the rook and it is not uncommon in the ending for a pawn to be sacrificed to obtain such activity. The chapter on initiative introduces, for example, endgames such as rook+knight against rook+knight, because neither of these pieces is suited to a passive role and even a slight initiative can be sufficient for victory. In the endgame mate should contantly be in your thoughts. So, for example, Stamma’s mate is treated, as are mating attacks in rook endings and the 4th phase of the game. The correct choice of pieces to exchange naturally always plays an important role, but generally speaking the cost of every wrong move increases in the endgame. Additionally, general rules of thumb, such as the side ahead in material exchanges pieces and the side which is trailing exchanges pawns, should be applied with the greatest of care. What you need to look out for will be explained to you in detail on the DVD. Video runnig time: 4 hrs 18 min.

by Dr. Karsten Müller
Chess Endgames 4 - Strategical Endgames
Chess Endgames 4 - Strategical Endgames
In the fourth volume of the endgame series a lot of themes with more material are included like rook and minor piece vs rook (and minor piece), rook vs two minor pieces, double rook endings, queen and knight vs queen and bishop, the bishop pair and endgame principles. Typical topics are: the so called Fischer endgame rook and bishop vs rook and knight, which occurs quite frequently in practical play and is very often favourable for rook and bishop; with opposite coloured bishops the presence of one rook each greatly increases the winning chances of the attacker compared to the pure opposite coloured bishop endgame (see DVD 1); when are queen and knight stronger than queen and bishop; which drawing methods exist in the pawnless endgame rook and bishop vs rook, which is quite often won over the board. Those who have always found studying endgames with chess textbooks too dry and tedious will enjoy this DVD with its comfortable training system and benefi t enormously – in brilliant endgames at the actual board. Complete video running time: approx. 6 hours.
by Dr. Karsten Müller
Chess Endgames 14 - The golden guidelines of endgame play
Chess Endgames 14 - The golden guidelines of endgame play
Rules of thumb are the key to everything when you are having to set the correct course in a complex endgame. In this final DVD of his series on the endgame, our endgame specialist introduces you to the most important of these rules of thumb.
by Dr. Karsten Müller
Chess Endgames 1 to 14
Chess Endgames 1 to 14

Karsten Müllers complete Chess Endgames DVDs

Chess Endgames 1 - Basic knowledge for beginners
Chess Endgames 2 - Rook Endgames
Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames
Chess Endgames 4 - Strategical Endgames
Chess Endgames 5 - Endgame Principles Activity & Initiative
Chess Endgames 6 - Endgame Principles Domination & Prophylaxis
Chess Endgames 7 - Endgame Principles Weaknesses & Fortresses
Chess Endgames 8 - Practical Rook Endgames
Chess Endgames 9 - Rook and Minor Piece
Chess Endgames 10 - Rook and two minor pieces
Chess Endgames 11 - Rook against Bishop
Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight
Chess Endgames 13 - Double rook endings
Chess Endgames 14 - The golden guidelines of endgame play

Video running time: more than 70 hours!

by Dr. Karsten Müller
Endgames from Fischer to Carlsen
Endgames from Fischer to Carlsen
Let endgame expert Dr Karsten Müller show and explain the finesses of the world champions.
by Dr. Karsten Müller
Endgames for experts
Endgames for experts

If you want to play successful chess you must pay great attention to the endgame. Because it is only if you handle the endgame correctly that you can turn an advantageous position into a full point or save half a point from an inferior position. On this DVD, Rustam Kasimdzhanov analyses the type of practical endgames which tournament players encounter on a daily basis. We are talking here about endgames which are still full of life, endgames which in the final analysis must be played out over the board. Using selected games of his own, he shows the importance of understanding positional factors such as an advantage in space, piece activity, pawn weaknesses, strong and weak squares, pawn majorities, passed pawns, etc. He explains what has to be known in order to make the correct strategic decisions and to find the correct plan in such endings. Studying the examples in this 3.5 hour long video course will certainly pay off for you in your own games. Kasimdzhanov’s outstanding and easily understandable explanations will certainly help you to substantially improve your own performance in the endgame.

by Rustam Kasimdzhanov
Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight
Chess Endgames 12 - Rook vs Knight
What is the best way to use your pieces to their full potential in the endgame? GM Karsten Müller demonstrates “knight geometry”, and teaches you how to employ the “knight check shadow” in your own games!
by Dr. Karsten Müller
Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames
Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames

The third part of the endgame series tackles queen endings, rook against minor pieces, queen against rook and queen against two rooks. Queen endings are not nearly as mysterious as they appear at first sight. Knowing a few rules of thumb and principles will make things very much easier for you. In the case of rook versus knight or bishop, you should not only know how to draw a pawnless endgame, but also when a fortress can be set up and when not. Something similar is the case for queen against rook, except of course that when there are no pawns the queen wins against the rook. In the duel against two rooks, further aspects come into play such as the coordination of the rooks. Those who have always found studying endgames with chess textbooks too dry and tedious will enjoy this DVD with its comfortable training system and benefit enormously – in brilliant endgames at the actual board. Complete video running time: 7 hours.

by Dr. Karsten Müller
Chess Endgames 1 - Basic knowledge for beginners
Chess Endgames 1 - Basic knowledge for beginners

Endgame theory constitutes the foundation of chess. You realize this in striking clarity once you obtain a won endgame but in the end have to be content with a draw in the end because of a lack of necessary know-how. Such accidents can only be prevented by building up a solid endgame technique. This is Karsten Müller‘s fi rst DVD and the grandmaster from Hamburg and endgame expert, here lays the foundation for acquiring such a technique. The fi rst part of his training series can be started without any endgame knowledge, only a knowledge of the rules of chess is assumed. But for a lot of club players this course will be a welcome brush up as a glance on the content confi rms: The topics range from elementary endings such as mating with the queen, with rook and with two bishops and mating with bishop and knight. The DVD also teaches the fundamentals of pawn endings, knight vs. pawns endings, bishop vs. knight endings, queen vs. pawns endings plus knight and bishop endings, including endings with bishop of the same and of opposite color. Those who have always felt that studying the endgame from textbooks is to uninspiring and too arduous, will enjoy this DVD and certainly profit from it. Video running time: 5.5 hours.

by Dr. Karsten Müller
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