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In 1843 in a match, which was unofficially considered a world championship, the English master Howard Staunton (1810–1874) played 1.c4 against French player Pierre Saint-Amant (1800–1872). Since then this move has been known as the English Opening. But it was not accorded full recognition until the 1920s, and later it was then successfully adopted by modern world champions such as Botvinnik, Petrosian, Karpov and Kasparov.

Publicado por ChessBase:

Adhiban Gambit against 1.c4
Adhiban Gambit against 1.c4
After 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 e4 Black is giving up a pawn. By sacrificing the e-pawn, Black gains a lot of time harassing the white knight and seizes the initiative in the centre.
por Robert Ris
9,90 €
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.Nf3 & 1.c4
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.Nf3 & 1.c4
This video course offers you a complete, clear repertoire for Black against the moves 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also pose White serious challenges.
por Robert Ris
29,90 €
A Complete Black Repertoire versus the English, 1...e5
A Complete Black Repertoire versus the English, 1...e5
1...e5 against the English is a theoretically sound response with good chances of equality or better in all variations, and in this video series I provide a complete Black repertoire based on this move.
por Nicholas Pert
29,90 €
Marin's English Love -Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and Tactic and Strategy Toolbox
Marin's English Love -Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and Tactic and Strategy Toolbox
The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups.
por Mihail Marin
79,90 €
The English Opening - Tactic and Strategy Toolbox
The English Opening - Tactic and Strategy Toolbox
This DVD is a good way to refresh your repertoire as well as to start with the English and get an idea of how to play the opening without learning tons of theory. The tests included on this DVD are aimed at explaining all aspects, actively involving the v
por Mihail Marin
29,90 €
Marin's English Love Vol.1 and 2 - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4
Marin's English Love Vol.1 and 2 - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4
The aim of these Dvd's is to build a repertoire after 1.c4 and 2.g3 for White. The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups. The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
por Mihail Marin
54,90 €
Marin's English Love - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4 Vol.2
Marin's English Love - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4 Vol.2
The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
por Mihail Marin
29,90 €
Marin's English Love - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4 Vol.1
Marin's English Love - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4 Vol.1
The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups.
por Mihail Marin
29,90 €
The Hedgehog - a universel system against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
The Hedgehog - a universel system against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
El sistema Erizo es un asunto espinoso para las blancas, pero también hay que prender a manejarlo con las indicaciones adecuadas, para que las púas no se vuelvan contra uno mismo.
por Yannick Pelletier
29,90 €
The Kasparov Gambit
The Kasparov Gambit
Se plantea el tema desde el punto de vista de las negras. Es ideal para situaciones en las que las negras deben intentar ganar a toda costa.
por Andrew Martin
9,90 €
The English Opening Vol. 2
The English Opening Vol. 2
En el segundo DVD sobre la Inglesa Simon Williams ofrece antídotos contra alternativas diversas a la Siciliana invertida: Simétrica, India de Rey, Anti-Grünfled, defensa Inglesa, Eslava, Holandesa...
por Simon Williams
29,90 €
The English Opening Vol. 1
The English Opening Vol. 1
La Inglesa es una Sicliana con blancas y un tiempo de ventaja. ¿Así de fácil? ¡Y así lo explica Simon Williams en el primer DVD sobre su apertura talismán!
por Simon Williams
29,90 €
ABC of the English Opening
ABC of the English Opening
La Inglesa es una apertura de largo recorrido en un repertorio, pues la emplean por igual jugadores de club y grandes maestros. Aprenda los planes y esquemas principales, para jugarla con confianza de la mano de Lorin d'Costa.
por Lorin D'Costa
27,90 €
English 1. c4 e5 for Black
English 1. c4 e5 for Black
Si le quieren sacar de los principios desde el comienzo, aténgase a ellos con fuerza siguiendo los sabios consejos de Viktor Bologan. ¡El moldavo sabe lo que se trae entre manos y cómo enseñarlo!
por Viktor Bologan
29,90 €
Meet the English Opening
Meet the English Opening
Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum.
por Dejan Bojkov
9,90 €
Power Play 12 - The Hedgehog
Power Play 12 - The Hedgehog
Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum.
por Daniel King
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The English Opening
The English Opening
Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum. Loren ipsum.
por Nigel Davies
29,99 €