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In the 1920s the then so-called “hyper-moderns” broke away from the dogma that at the start of the game the centre absolutely had to be occupied with pawns. Instead of playing 1.e4 or 1.d4 they opened with 1.Nf3 and left it up to Black to follow up in the classical pattern with 1...d5. This results in the starting position of the system of Richard Réti (1889–1929), who from 1923 on played in this way with great success against the strongest of opposition. In the Réti System White holds back his central pawns for some time; instead he increases his central influence by playing the fianchetto g3, Bg2 and plans to attack the black d-pawn with c2-c4 – either on the second move or later.

Publicado por ChessBase:

Reti Opening Powerbook 2025
Reti Opening Powerbook 2025
The Reti Opening Powerbook 2025 has a tree structure based on a mixture of over 295,000 computer chess games, played in the engine room of playchess.com and the best games played by humans (137,000).
9,90 €
1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.2 - Classical Systems
1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.2 - Classical Systems
In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete opening repertoire for White, centred around the flexible move 1.Nf3.
por Felix Blohberger
34,90 €
1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.1 - Fianchetto Systems
1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.1 - Fianchetto Systems
In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete opening repertoire for White, centred around the flexible move 1.Nf3.
por Felix Blohberger
34,90 €
Countering the Reti with 1...d5 and 2...Nd7
Countering the Reti with 1...d5 and 2...Nd7
With the move 1…d5 we put one pawn in the centre. With the move 2…Nd7 we are threatning …e5 and putting a second pawn in the centre.
por Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.Nf3 & 1.c4
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.Nf3 & 1.c4
This video course offers you a complete, clear repertoire for Black against the moves 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also pose White serious challenges.
por Robert Ris
29,90 €
The Hedgehog - a universel system against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
The Hedgehog - a universel system against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
El sistema Erizo es un asunto espinoso para las blancas, pero también hay que prender a manejarlo con las indicaciones adecuadas, para que las púas no se vuelvan contra uno mismo.
por Yannick Pelletier
29,90 €
Reti - A Repertoire for White
Reti - A Repertoire for White
De Reti a Kramnik pasando por Capablanca o Smyslov, evitando toneladas de teoría y junglas de variantes, basándose en estrategias, maniobras y planes.
por Viktor Bologan
29,90 €
The Reti, a flexible attacking opening
The Reti, a flexible attacking opening
Este DVD se concentra en la jugada 1.Cf3 y abarca las variantes necesarias para afrontar los sistemas más populares de las negras. Las blancas se alejan de las corrientes principales de la teoría, pero juegan de forma agresiva.
por Alejandro Ramirez
27,90 €
The Slav against the Reti
The Slav against the Reti
Contra la increíblemente flexible apertura Reti (1.Cf3), Henrik Danielsen confía en la configuración Eslava: las negras juegan d5 seguido por c6 y rápidamente desarrollan su Ac8. El GM islandés enseña muchas sutilezas y celadas que sin duda merece la pena
por Henrik Danielsen
9,90 €