Neural game understanding + powerful engine power
Komodo Dragon 2 thus has both excellent positional play - thanks to the neural network - and tremendous tactical power and computing speed, thanks to the classic Alpha Beta engine. It is a combination that pays off: compared to the double world champion Komodo 14, the developers were thus able to increase the playing strength of Komodo Dragon 2 once again by more than 200 ELO points! The first version of the “Dragon” is currently already one of the top three in the CCRL rating list (as of April 2021). However, the search function was still largely based on the settings of the old Komodo 14 engine. This has changed with “Dragon 2”: in the new version, the search has been optimised based on evaluations stored in the neural network. It will be interesting to see whether Dragon can even outperform the competition as a result!
Top program and analysis partner
Komodo Dragon 2 comes with a number of engine variants. The standard version offers maximum playing strength. For analysis with multiple variations, on the other hand, the “MCTS” version is recommended. In addition, this version offers an exciting feature: you can have the move that offers the best chances from a practical point of view displayed in the analysis. The standard version, on the other hand, always expects the best possible play from the opponent, and that is therefore clearly the first choice, especially in correspondence chess. In addition, the engine can be switched to the variants “Attack”, “Beginner”, “Defence”, “Endgame” in analysis and in the game. Includes current Fritz 17 program interface and six months ChessBase Premium Account
Fritz Powerbook 2022
The Fritz Powerbook 2022 contains 25 millions opening positions, derived from 1.7 million high class tournament games. Together with each position all relevant information is stored: all moves that were played in the position, by players of what average rating, with what success and performance results. The games from which the Fritz Powerbook 2022 were derived (except the Corr Games) are also included on the DVD or download version. The Fritz Powerbook 2022 represents the state of the art of current openings theory. The FritzPowerbook was derived also from the best 100,000 games from the Correspondence 2022 Database to enhance even more the theoretical value of moves given by the book. With the 2022 edition you get 3 Books: Fritz Powerbook, Strongbook and the CorrBook.
Discover exciting and tricky new lines and practice them against Fritz. In addition the DVD has a small but very exclusive book with the strongest GM games (ELO >= 2550) from the past 100 years (2.7 Mio positions) and StrongBook Games Database.