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Publié par ChessBase

The Surprising Black Knights' Tango - Unleash Winning Strategies as Black!
The Surprising Black Knights' Tango - Unleash Winning Strategies as Black!
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6!?, Black takes the initiative, luring White into overextending their central pawns, only to dismantle them with precise counterplay. The Tango is not just an opening – it’s a weapon, designed for players who want to win as Black
de Andrew Martin
34,90 €
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 3
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.1 – 3
I give promising mainlines for white against all black’s main replies to 1.d4 d5 that are engine-proof, easy to learn and can be played almost instantly.
de Sipke Ernst
89,90 €
Rock Solid with the Queen's Indian Defence
Rock Solid with the Queen's Indian Defence

Ce Fritztrainer est parfait pour tous les joueurs qui souhaitent intégrer un pilier solide à leur répertoire lorsqu'avec les Noirs, ils font face à 1.d4.

de Leon Mendonca
36,90 €
A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.2: 1.d4, 1.c4 and Sidelines
A Supergrandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.2: 1.d4, 1.c4 and Sidelines

Ce cours vidéo comprend les réflexions du GM Anish Giri répondant aux questions du MI Sagar Shah. Dans ce tome, toutes les ouvertures après 1.d4, 1.c4 et autres sont couvertes.

de Anish Giri
49,90 €
The incendiary King's Indian after 4...Bf5
The incendiary King's Indian after 4...Bf5
The aim of the sideline 4...Bf5 in the KID is crystal-clear: Black doesn't want to see 5.e2-e4 on the next move and is probing for their opponent's intentions.
de Christian Bauer
9,90 €
Simple and modern anti-grünfeld variation 5.Bd2
Simple and modern anti-grünfeld variation 5.Bd2
5.Bd2 against the grünfeld offers a solid and exciting repertoire. White delays the immediate e4 and simplifies the resulting variations.
de Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
5.Nge2 against the King's Indian Defence
5.Nge2 against the King's Indian Defence
The Hungarian variation provides white an attacking plan against the KID. With 5.Nge2 White will play 6.Ng3, close the centre with d5 after …c5/…e5 and start playing on the kingside for an attack.
de Nico Zwirs
9,90 €
The Leningrad Dutch Defence - A repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
The Leningrad Dutch Defence - A repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3
The Leningrad Dutch Defence is a dynamic and aggressive opening choice for Black, perfect for players who want to add some adventure and spice to their repertoire.
32,90 €
3.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld
3.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld
It's a great idea to take Grunfeld and King’s Indian players out of their comfort-zone right from the start! Let’s go 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 first and now play 3.h4!?
de Sipke Ernst
29,90 €
The Hippopotamus system of defence
The Hippopotamus system of defence
What is the Hippopotamus system of defence? The idea is that, at the beginning of the game, Black develops within his own first three ranks. He constructs a solid, flexible and hopefully stable position, awaiting events. At the right moment, he will strik
de Andrew Martin
29,90 €
Power openings: Grünfeld Defence Volume 2 - Systems without cxd5
Power openings: Grünfeld Defence Volume 2 - Systems without cxd5
You are looking for an active answer to 1.d4? Then the Grünfeld Indian is an excellent choice! Not by chance this opening is one of the main weapons of some top grandmasters!
29,90 €
Power openings: Grünfeld Defence Volume 1 - Systems with cxd5
Power openings: Grünfeld Defence Volume 1 - Systems with cxd5
You are looking for an active answer to 1.d4? Then the Grünfeld Indian is an excellent choice! Not by chance this opening is one of the main weapons of some top grandmasters!
29,90 €
A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
In this 60-Minutes Markus Ragger presents a repertoire which has been tested at top level that takes your opponents into more unfamiliar territory. The basic system is introduced with the rather unusual capture on d4 with the queen.
9,90 €
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 1 - 3
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 1 - 3

Ce répertoire d'attaque pour les Blancs avec 1.d4 s'adresse aux joueurs ambitieux qui cherchent à mettre un maximum de pression sur leurs adversaires dès le début de la partie.

de Nicholas Pert
79,90 €
The Benko Gambit Explained
The Benko Gambit Explained

Erwin l’Ami vous guide à travers le fascinant Gambit Benkö Gambit. Les Noirs s'y battent dès le 3e coup pour l'initiative. Une stratégie qui s'avère souvent payante!

29,90 €
The Colle-Koltanowski System
The Colle-Koltanowski System
The Colle-Koltanowski system is very easy to learn, yet an extremely dangerous opening.
29,90 €
The Torre Attack
The Torre Attack
The Torre Attack is an extremely effective way of taking your opponent into an uncomfortable situation right from move one.
29,90 €
Le Système de Londres avec 2.Ff4
Le Système de Londres avec 2.Ff4
Avec 2.Ff4, vous forcez votre adversaire à venir sur votre terrain. Débuter par ce coup de Fou, au lieu de 2.Cf3, vous permettra dans certains cas une approche plus dynamique avec l’idée Cc3 suivi de e4.
de Christian Bauer
29,90 €
The Beliavsky Plan against the Stonewall Dutch
The Beliavsky Plan against the Stonewall Dutch
You exchange the bishop on f4 to open the g-file (gxf4) and double rooks there. Black will protect his weakness on this file with all his forces. You transfer your pieces to the other side, create a new weakness there, and the opponent will be helpless
de Adrian Mikhalchishin
9,90 €
Meeting the Gambits Vol.2 - Gambits after 1.d4
Meeting the Gambits Vol.2 - Gambits after 1.d4
Si l'on tombe dans la préparation de son adversaire ou dans une position dont on a qu'une conception floue des tenants et des aboutissants, on risque d'être happé par les sentiments d'insécurité, voire de panique.
de Andrew Martin
29,90 €
The Blumenfeld Gambit - A sharp weapon in the Benoni
The Blumenfeld Gambit - A sharp weapon in the Benoni
It was back in the 1920s that the Russian master Benjamin Blumenfeld invented his famous gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5 b5!?, and to the present day the opening retains great popularity. Black plays for the initiative and the win from the word go.
de Andrew Martin
29,90 €
A Black Repertoire against Offbeat Openings
A Black Repertoire against Offbeat Openings
A detailed Black repertoire against many Offbeat Opening choices
de Nicholas Pert
29,90 €
Beat the Queen's Indian: The modern Fianchetto Line
Beat the Queen's Indian: The modern Fianchetto Line
This DVD is packed full of new, exciting and novel ideas; based on a repertoire starting with the moves 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 with g3! to follow.
29,90 €
The Kasparov Gambit
The Kasparov Gambit
The usual move order is 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 Nf3 cxd4 4 Nxd4 e5!? 5 Nb5 d5 6 cxd5 Bc5 bringing us to a very sharp position. Andrew MArtin shows this variation from black's point of view.
de Andrew Martin
9,90 €
King's Indian: A modern approach
King's Indian: A modern approach
Bologan: "If you study this DVD carefully and solve the interactive exercises you will also enrich your chess vocabulary, your King’s Indian vocabulary, build up confidence in the King’s Indian and your chess and win more games."
29,90 €
The Classical Sicilian
The Classical Sicilian
This DVD offers Black a complete repertoire against all weapons White may employ on move six. The recommended repertoire is not as risky as other Sicilians but still offers Black plenty of counter-play.
29,90 €
Anti-Bajonete-Attack in the King's Indian
Anti-Bajonete-Attack in the King's Indian
The Mar del Plata Variation in the King's Indian could be faced with an uncomfortable Bayonette Attack. Marin shows how to face that.
9,90 €
Original and aggressive: 1...b6 for practical players
Original and aggressive: 1...b6 for practical players
Spruce up your opening repertoire with an early …b6! Let GM Nigel Davies show you how to transpose into the lines of your choice and how to through your opponent out of his opening book right away!
29,90 €
Winning against King's Indian - With the main line
Winning against King's Indian - With the main line
In the classical system of the King’s Indian White develops naturally and refrains from chasing ghosts looking for a refutation of Black’s set-up. White instead relies on the fact that natural play should yield him a small but lasting advantage.
29,90 €
An ambitious setup against the Benoni
An ambitious setup against the Benoni
The topic of this 60 minute video clip is the major idea of the 8.h3 0-0 9.Bd3 line. It has not won much love among defenders of the Benoni - White players are coming dangerously close to realising the dream of squeezing the opponent.
9,90 €
A waiting Game in the Queen's Indian 7...Na6
A waiting Game in the Queen's Indian 7...Na6
Let FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin introduce you to the Tiviakov method, where he covers all of 8.b3, 8.Re1, 8.Bf4, 8.Bg5, 8.a3, 8.Qa4 and 8.d5 and all in around an hour!
de Andrew Martin
9,90 €
The ABC of the Bogo Indian
The ABC of the Bogo Indian
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ Black develops smoothly and prepares to castle. He retains maximum flexibility with his central pawns. You do not need to know an enormous amount of theory to play.
de Andrew Martin
27,90 €
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 2
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 2
GM Ramirez completes his repertoire suggestion versus 1.d4 with powerful systems among others against the ColleSystem, Trompowsky or the declining move 3.Nf3. An absolute asset - not only for friends of the Benko Gambit!
27,90 €
The English Defence
The English Defence
The English Defence (1…b6) is a less well-known weapon against White setups with 1.c4 and 2.d4. Black has a number of nice tricks and ideas at his disposal that can quickly dispatch an unprepared opponent.
27,90 €
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 1
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 1
Don’t give 1.d4 players an easy ride - sacrifice a pawn with 3.b5 for a lasting initiative. GM Ramirez shows you clear ideas for play in every variation.
27,90 €
Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2
Meet the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2
de Rustam Kasimdzhanov
29,90 €
The ABC of the Benko Gambit - 2nd Edition
The ABC of the Benko Gambit - 2nd Edition
with updates and advice in all critical lines
de Andrew Martin
29,90 €
The Budapest Gambit
The Budapest Gambit
de Andrew Martin
27,50 €
The ABC of the Anti-Dutch
The ABC of the Anti-Dutch
de Andrew Martin
26,99 €
The ABC of the Czech Benoni
The ABC of the Czech Benoni
de Andrew Martin
26,99 €