
Beating the Sicilian: Grandmaster Bologan's Repertoire Vol.1

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Out of the dozens and dozens of openings played nowadays the Sicilian Defence remains the most fascinating, entertaining and complex opening. Here White understands that Black will not be a patient lamb but will try to get at him at the very first opportunity. For those who are ready to take on the challenge and plunge into the wonderful world of combinations, attacks and counter-attacks, for those who really love chess... this DVD is designed for you. In the first volume of the Open Sicilian for White we present all black reactions to 2...Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4. This includes the Sveshnikov/Cheliabinsk Variation, the Rauzer Attack, the Maroczy Bind and a few other minor side lines. The approach is typical for Bologan’s DVDs, as he tries to describe in a compact format plans and reactions from White’s point of view. With the help of this DVD one can forget about fears concerning the tons of theory in the Open Sicilian and can get straight into the real fight! Video running time: 6 hours

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7月 2011
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