
Published by ChessBase

The Funky Löwenthal Variation in 60 Minutes
The Funky Löwenthal Variation in 60 Minutes
Whether you’re looking for thrilling attacks, or steady positional play, the Löwenthal Variation has more to offer than meets the eye.
A Complete Guide for Black against the Anti-Sicilian
A Complete Guide for Black against the Anti-Sicilian
Have you always wanted to play the Sicilian as Black, but been discouraged by the abundance of options for White? Here is the solution to becoming a lifelong successful Sicilian player!
Najdorf: A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.1 to 3
Najdorf: A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.1 to 3
In the first part of the video series, we will look at White’s four main moves: 6.Bg5, 6.Be3, 6.Be2 and 6.Bc4.
How to play the Open Sicilian
How to play the Open Sicilian
On this all-new ChessBase video course, IM Andrew Martin introduces you to this exciting world, so that you can begin playing the Sicilian in your own games. The main themes and ideas of the Open Sicilian are discussed.
by Andrew Martin
Master the Kalashnikov Sicilian
Master the Kalashnikov Sicilian
Dive into the fascinating world of the Sicilian Kalashnikov variation! We will uncover the secrets of this explosive opening from the very first moves: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 e5.
The Popov Variation against the Taimanov
The Popov Variation against the Taimanov
One of the easy, sharp and semi-rare options is the Popov variation. It starts with 6.Be3 a6 7.Qd2, which seems like white is intending to go for an English Attack set-up, but then after 7…Nf6 8.f4 will follow, the Popov variation.
How to play the Najdorf
How to play the Najdorf
Between 2004 and 2007 the 13th World Champion Garry Kasparov recorded a large 3-volume Najdorf video course. ChessBase is publishing this great classic in a complete edition in the current ChessBase Media format. Look forward to this classic of chess!
The Kupreichik Sicilian
The Kupreichik Sicilian
The Kupreichik starts with 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Bd7. It is a flexible move, as it doesn’t tell white much about the set-up black will choose. Most often black goes for a Dragon or a Classical Sicilian set-up.
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
The Grivas Sicilian in 60 Minutes
In this 60 Minutes video course you will learn the ins-and-outs of the Grivas Sicilian which starts after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qb6!
Play the Sveshnikov Sicilian
Play the Sveshnikov Sicilian
The starting point of this video course is 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5. Rogozenco explains the ins and outs of the mainline and sidelines.
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1-3
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1-3
In this first part, the emphasis is on themes and ideas whereas Part 2 and 3 focus on theoretical knowledge!
The Closed Sicilian
The Closed Sicilian
The Closed Sicilian offers White a set of easy-to-understand plans, the chance of a kingside attack and little danger of being outgunned by tactics in the opening.
by Andrew Martin
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 2
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 2
Now it’s time to delve into the theory that has shaped this exciting opening over the years. From reasons why once popular variations are no more to coverage of the more modern systems currently deployed by the World’s elite, this two-parter has it all!
Attacking the Taimanov with g4 in 60 Minutes
Attacking the Taimanov with g4 in 60 Minutes
In this 60-minute video course you will learn how to anticipate Black's developing schemes, and you will become acquainted with typical sacrifices that white can use to gain a powerful initiative.
by Sipke Ernst
A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
In this 60-Minutes Markus Ragger presents a repertoire which has been tested at top level that takes your opponents into more unfamiliar territory. The basic system is introduced with the rather unusual capture on d4 with the queen.
A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians
A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians
In this video series Pert gives a strong and practical Black repertoire against the Anti-Sicilians such as the Bb5 Sicilian, the Grand Prix Attack, the Alapin and many more, from my years of experience playing the Sicilian.
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1: Understanding The Dragon
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1: Understanding The Dragon
In this first part, the emphasis is on themes and ideas as the viewer is armed with tactical and positional motifs and concepts after 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6.