
Scandinavian Defence

The first time you come up against the Scandinavian Defence, the question you cannot help asking is: can the queen really be brought into play so early? After all, White immediately wins a tempo for his piece development with 3.Nc3 and forces her black majesty to make a second move. But, astonishingly, Black even has three replies to choose from: the retreat 3...Qd8, the frequently seen 3...Qa5 and the modern 3...Qd6, which is the preference of Sergei Tiviakov, the strongest grandmaster who regularly plays the Scandinavian.

Published by ChessBase

The Sharp Scandinavian with 3...Qd6
The Sharp Scandinavian with 3...Qd6
„Easy to learn and easy to play.“ These are the twin pillars on which the Modern Scandinavian has been built and which club players have trusted and profited from over the past few decades. Here we focus on the sharp 3...Qd6.
by Andrew Martin
The smooth Scandinavian Defence with 3...Qd8
The smooth Scandinavian Defence with 3...Qd8
This video course offers you a complete Black repertoire with 1.e4 d5. Covering all the critical attempts for White to punish Black’s provocative approach, as well as all the relevant minor options on move 2 and 3 for White.
by Robert Ris
The Fianchetto Scandinavian
The Fianchetto Scandinavian
The mainline from the repertoire will start with 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Nxd5 4.c4 Nb6 5.Nf3 g6. From there on, the repertoire will be worked out backwards till the second move options for White.
by Nico Zwirs
Frappez les premiers avec la Scandinave
Frappez les premiers avec la Scandinave
La Scandinave est une ouverture rarement employée qui vous permettra d’amener votre adversaire sur un terrain moins familier. Après 1.e4 d5, les Noirs luttent dès le premier coup pour l’initiative, le combat s’engage sans manoeuvres préalables.
by Christian Bauer
Strike first with the Scandinavian
Strike first with the Scandinavian
The Scandinavian is a rarely employed opening on the hightest level und guides your opponent on much less familiar terrain than for example the Sicilian, French or any 1.e4 e5 system. After 1.e4 d5 Black fights for the initiative from move one.
by Christian Bauer
A solid Scandinavian Surprise
A solid Scandinavian Surprise
Accompany FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin on this 60 mins video. You can learn a new opening system in 60 mins and start to play it with confidence on the very same day!
by Andrew Martin
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
In this “Learn in 60 Minutes” GM Dejan Bojkov from Bulgaria offers a complete repertoire for White after the moves: 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 when all the main moves are covered: 5…Bg4; 5…g6; 5…a6 and Tiviakov’s specialty 5…c6.
by Dejan Bojkov