Former World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik liked to play the French and once described it as a 'difficult and dangerous opening'. But in this 60 minutes video IM Andrew Martin suggests an aggressive and little-used idea of the renowned attacking player GM Viktor Kupreichik to counter the French: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Be3!?. Andrew Martin uses the games of Kupreichik to show why this line could catch many French aficionados unprepared and is very dangerous for Black. Attacking players will love this line and the unusual complications that it promotes.
When Black replies to the double move of White’s king’s pawn with 1...e6 we have the French Defence. Its name goes back to a correspondence match between the cities of London and Paris in 1834, in which the French made successful use of the move 1...e6. In the 19th century the move was the most important alternative for Black to 1...e5 and even nowadays it still occupies third place in the ranking of the most popular replies to 1.e4 after the Sicilian and 1...e5.
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