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EntrenamientoMediojuegoAtaque y mate

Resultados 1-15 de 22
Three stars from India
Three stars from India
por Vidit Gujrathi, Dommaraju Gukesh, Leon Mendonca
This video course features the ins-and-outs of the possible setups Black can choose. You’ll learn the key concepts and strategies needed to add this fantastic opening to your repertoire. An easy-to-learn and yet venomous weapon.
114,70 € 94,90 €
Attack & Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
Attack & Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
por Vidit Gujrathi, Dommaraju Gukesh
Two Super Grandmasters from India explain the ins & outs of Attack, Tactics an Calculations in these two video courses.
79,80 € 69,90 €
Attack like a Super Grandmaster
Attack like a Super Grandmaster
por Dommaraju Gukesh
In this Fritztrainer: “Attack like a Super GM” with Gukesh we touch upon all aspects of his play, with special emphasis on how you can become a better attacking player.
39,90 €
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics in 60 Minutes
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics in 60 Minutes
por Adrian Mikhalchishin
There are many brilliant combinations in chess that were invented by giants of the past. Now it's your turn to bring them to your own games!
9,90 €
How to attack - principles of training
How to attack - principles of training
por Dr. Karsten Müller
Most players prefer to attack rather than defend. But what is the correct way to do it? GM Dr Karsten Müller has compiled many rules and motifs to guide you, along with sharpening your intuition for the exceptions.
29,90 €
Winning Chess Strategies Vol. 2 – The Initiative: Train Yourself!
Winning Chess Strategies Vol. 2 – The Initiative: Train Yourself!
por Romain Edouard
To improve in the vast terrain of initiative, there’s nothing better than training with well-chosen exercises! This interactive video course will guide you to find the winning move when the initiative is on your side.
29,90 €
Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 - The Art of Sacrifices and Initiative
Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 - The Art of Sacrifices and Initiative
por Romain Edouard
Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange sacrifice, launching an attack, and the good moment to sacrifice will be covered.
29,90 €
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 1 - 3
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4! Vol. 1 - 3
por Nicholas Pert
In this detailed “three-part” video series I take a look at a main line White system based on 1.d4. This series is aimed at the ambitious player who is looking to put maximum pressure on their opponent from the start of the game.
89,70 € 79,90 €
Power Play 26: Checkmate Challenge – essential knowledge
Power Play 26: Checkmate Challenge – essential knowledge
por Daniel King
Aprenda y repentice los esquemas de mate más típicos, para tenerlos siempre a punto y asestarlos con soltura
29,90 €
Power Play Attack package - 6 DVDs
Power Play Attack package - 6 DVDs
por Daniel King
¡Atacar y ganar! Eso es lo que más motiva en el ajedrez.
179,94 € 139,90 €
The Chess Player's Mating Guide Vol.1 and Vol.2
The Chess Player's Mating Guide Vol.1 and Vol.2
por Robert Ris
Este volumen analiza la forma de explotar el enroque corto debilitado, atendiendo a las diversas formaciones de peones que se pueden dar.
59,80 € 54,90 €
The Chess Player's Mating Guide Vol.2 - Weakened kingside
The Chess Player's Mating Guide Vol.2 - Weakened kingside
por Robert Ris
Este volumen analiza la forma de explotar el enroque corto debilitado, atendiendo a las diversas formaciones de peones que se pueden dar.
29,90 €
The Chess Player’s Mating Guide Vol. 1: The King in the Centre
The Chess Player’s Mating Guide Vol. 1: The King in the Centre
por Robert Ris
La serie sobre las técnicas de mate comienza con la forma de castigar a quien se salta las reglas de la apertura y mantiene al rey en el centro.
29,90 €
Power Play 20: Test Your Attacking Chess
Power Play 20: Test Your Attacking Chess
por Daniel King
Daniel King emplea el nuevo sistema de entrenamiento con vídeos interactivos para afinar las habilidades del espectador como atacante y desarrollar su intuición sobre cuándo hay que lanzar un ataque.
29,90 €
Mating Patterns
Mating Patterns
por Maurice Ashley
Dominar los esquemas de mate que se repiten con frecuencia y saber identificarlos, intuirlos y anticiparlos es una habilidad necesaria para avanzar en el ajedrez, tanto en lo que se refiere a lanzarse al ataque, como en lo que atañe a una buena defensa.
27,90 €