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Publié par ChessBase

Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1-3
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1-3

Dans cette première partie, l'accent est mis sur les thèmes et les idées, tandis que les parties 2 et 3 se concentrent sur les connaissances théoriques!

79,90 €
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 3
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 3
Now it’s time to delve into the theory that has shaped this exciting opening over the years. From reasons why once popular variations are no more to coverage of the more modern systems currently deployed by the World’s elite, this two-parter has it all!
29,90 €
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 2
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 2
Now it’s time to delve into the theory that has shaped this exciting opening over the years. From reasons why once popular variations are no more to coverage of the more modern systems currently deployed by the World’s elite, this two-parter has it all!
29,90 €
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1: Understanding The Dragon
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! Part 1: Understanding The Dragon

Dans cette première partie, l'accent est mis sur les thèmes et les idées tactiques et positionnels après 1 e4 c5 2 ♘f3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ♘xd4 ♞f6 5 ♘c3 g6.

29,90 €
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4
The Dragon is one of Black’s most daring openings, leading to fascinating positions with opposite castling and strong mutual attacks. This DVD provides a complete and up to date repertoire to help Black to score with the Dragon.
29,90 €
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9.Bc4
The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9.Bc4

Volume one of the DVD deals with 9 Bc4, White’s sharpest option, and shows how Black can counter this ambitious try by White with the main lines of the Soltis variation (12…h5), which was played by Magnus Carlsen regularly as well.

29,90 €
The ABC of the Sicilian Dragon
26,99 €