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The Najdorf system in the Sicilian Defence has a legendary reputation as a defensive weapon for Black. It is an opening where people often strive for a full point, instead of simply defending the position with the black pieces. Many great players have contributed to the development of this complex opening. There were two world champions who formed much of their careers using the Najdorf system as their weapon of choice against 1.e4: Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov celebrated spectacular successes with it. Both players used the Najdorf (pronounced “ny-dorff”, rhyming with “high-dwarf”) during their child prodigy years and retained it as an important part of their repertoire during their entire careers.
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Die sizilianische Eröffnungstheorie ist mittlerweile so stark angewachsen, dass sich viele Spieler in Nebenvarianten flüchten. Ob Morra-Gambit (2.d4), Grand-Prix-Angriff (2.f4) oder Geschlossenes Sizilianisch (2.Sc3) - Weiß besitzt viele interessante Möglichkeiten. Aber auch Schwarz kann nach dem Hauptzug 2.Sf3 in weniger Theorielastige Varianten flüchten, eine davon ist die O'Kelly-Variante 2...a6!?
=> Weitere Produkte: Nebenvarianten
For Garry Kasparov this added up to experience with the Najdorf at the very highest levels of chess. For chess amateurs and professionals alike it is a great moment when the world‘s leading expert shares all the secrets in his favourite opening. In part one Garry Kasparov introduces the various sub-systems of the Najdorf, including the central “Poisoned Pawn” variation. The development of each line is placed in historical perspective and examined in great depth, with Kasparov‘s characteristic intensity. More than two 2.5 hours of fi rst-class private tuition. The package includes the latest ChessBase 9.0 Reader, a big reference database featuring more than 16,000 Najdorf games, as well as a complete opening book that can be used to practice what you have learnt with Fritz.
Total running time: 2,5 h