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Boris Spassky is considered by many to be the most talented of all world champions. The great chess talent of the nine-year-old Spassky was discovered at the local Pioneer Palace (St. Petersburg) and encouraged by coaches such as Vladimir Zak. In 1953, the World Chess Federation named the 16-year-old an International Master, and in 1955 a Grand Master, after Spassky had achieved 2nd to 6th place in the USSR Championship and won the World Youth Championship U20. In 1964 he qualified for the Candidates Tournament in the Interzonal Tournament and became the challenger to World Champion Petrosian in 1966. However, Spassky was only able to defeat him at the second attempt in 1969 and thus became the 10th world chess champion. In 1972, Spassky had to defend his title in a nerve-wracking match against Bobby Fischer. With great patience, Spassky endured all of his challenger’s antics, but lost the match and the title. In 1976, Boris Spassky emigrated to France with his wife and lived in Paris for a long time. He only returned to Russia in later years. In the 1974, 1977 and 1980 World Championship cycles, Spassky again took part in the candidate matches, but was no longer able to qualify as a challenger. In 1992, there was a sensational rematch against Bobby Fischer in Yugoslavia, which Spassky also lost. At his best, Boris Spassky cultivated a rousing attacking style, with a preference for aggressive openings such as the King’s Gambit. But he also played the other phases of the game like a world champion. .

Free video sample: Openings Intro by Dorian Rogozenco

Free video sample: Endgames Intro by Karsten Müller

In this video course, experts including Dorian Rogozenco, Mihail Marin, Karsten Müller and Oliver Reeh, examine the games of Boris Spassky. Let them show you which openings Spassky chose to play, where his strength in middlegames were, or how he outplayed his opponents in the endgame. Finally, you’ll get a glimpse of his tactical abilities in the Tactics section

• Video running time: 8 hours 22 minutes (English)
• Interactive tactics test with video feedback
• “Spassky Powerbooks”: Spassky’s opening repertoire as a variation tree
• Tactical training with 20 games


Das wird geliefert:

  • Fritztrainer App für Windows und Mac
  • Lieferung als Download oder auf DVD
  • Videokurs mit ca. 4-8 Std. Laufzeit
  • Mit Repertoiredatenbank: speichern und integrieren in das eigene Repertoire (in WebApp Opening oder in ChessBase)
  • Interaktive Aufgaben mit Videofeedback: die Autoren präsentieren Aufgaben und Schlüsselstellungen, der Anwender muß die Lösung eingeben. Mit Videofeedback (auch zu Fehlern) und weiteren Erklärungen.
  • Musterpartien als ChessBase-Datenbank.
  • Neu: viele Fritztrainer jetzt auch als Stream im ChessBase-Videoportal!

Das kann die FritzTrainer-App:

  • Videos laufen in Fritztrainer-App oder integriert im ChessBase-Programm mit Brettgrafik, Notation und großer Funktionsleiste
  • Analyse-Engine kann jederzeit dazugeschaltet
  • Videostopp für manuelle Navigation und Analyse in Partienotation
  • Eingabe von eigenen Varianten, Engineanalyse und Speicherung
  • Varianten lernen: In der ChessBase WebApp Opening per Autoplay Varianten vorführen, auswendig lernen („Drill“) und Transformation (Ausgangsstellung – Endstellung) üben
  • Aktive Eröffnungstraining: ausgewählte Eröffnungsstellungen werden in der ChessBase WebApp Frit zonline geöffnet: Im Match gegen Fritz testen Sie Ihr neues Wissen und spielen aktiv die neue Eröffnung.

Noch mehr Möglichkeiten: FritzTrainer & ChessBase!

  • Die Datenbank mit allen Partien und Analysen kann sofort geöffnet werden
  • Partien können direkt in Eröffnungsreferenz hinzugefügt werden
  • Direkte Auswertung in Eröffnungsreferenz mit Partienreferenz, Partien nachspielbar im Analysebrett
  • Eigene Varianten werden direkt eingefügt, gespeichert und können in das eigene Repertoire eingefügt werden
  • Replay-Training
  • LiveBook aktiv
  • Alle in ChessBase installierten Engines können für die Analyse gestartet werden
  • Assisted Analysis
  • Druck von Notation und Diagrammen (Für Arbeitsblätter)



  • Introduction
  • Short biography
  • Opening
  • Introduction
  • Repertoire White
  • Repertoire Black
  • The Leningrad System in the Nimzo Indian Defence
  • The King's Gambit
  • The Sicilian Defence
  • Ruy Lopez - White
  • Ruy Lopez - Black
  • Strategy
  • Introduction
  • Petrosian-Spassky, Wch Game 4 1969
  • Sokolov-Spassky, Candidates 1985
  • Spassky-Geller, Candidates 1968
  • Spassky-Robatsch, Bundesliga 1984
  • Tactics 1-10
  • Spassky - Smyslov 1953
  • Spassky - Taimanov 1955
  • Spassky - Ragozin 1956
  • Spassky - Witkowski 1959
  • Spassky - Bronstein 1960
  • Spassky - Marsalek 1960
  • Spassky - Ciric 1962
  • Spassky - Zinn 1962
  • Spassky - Shofman 1962
  • Spassky - Nikolaevsky 1963
  • Tactics 11-20
  • Spassky - Forintos 1964
  • Spassky - Unzicker 1966
  • Spassky - Timoscenko 1967
  • Spassky - Langeweg 1967
  • Spassky - Kortschnoj 1968
  • Spassky - Petrosian 1969
  • Spassky - Fischer 1970
  • Spassky - Averkin 1973
  • Spassky - Portisch 1977
  • Timman - Spassky 1983
  • Tactics 21-24
  • Huenerkopf - Spassky 1984
  • Hodgson - Spassky 1985
  • Andruet - Spassky 1988
  • Spassky - Prie 1991
  • Endgames
  • Powerless queen
  • The queen's revenge
  • Miracle escape
  • Beating Karpov with Q+N vs Q
  • Rook endgame technique part 1
  • Rook endgame technique part 2
  • Rook endgame technique part 3
  • Double rook endgame technique
  • The famous mystery of the poisoned pawn h2
  • The bishops are hard to beat
  • Spassky's strong bishops
  • Do Knights really like all closed positions ?
  • Breaking the wall
  • Beating Garry Kasparov
  • Bonus
  • All Games
  • Training Questions
  • Spassky book with White
  • Spassky book with Black
  • ChessBase Magazine #214
  • Karsten Müller's favorite Spassky Game: Spassky vs Fischer (1), Rejkjavik 1972
  • Strategy: All-rounder Boris Spassky
  • Try to find the moves of Spassky yourself: Gurgenidze-Spassky
  • Try to find the moves of Spassky yourself: Korchnoi-Spassky
  • Spassky's initiative in the endgame
  • Magazine Extra Database
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