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Gesucht: Sicilian
1-12 von 79 Ergebnissen
The Open Sicilian Bundle
The Open Sicilian Bundle
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn. They show patterns you should know when playing the Open Sicilian
von Roeland Pruijssers, Nico Zwirs
99,90 €
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.3. - 2...e6 and others
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.3. - 2...e6 and others
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn.
von Roeland Pruijssers, Nico Zwirs
29,90 €
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.2 - 2...Nc6
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.2 - 2...Nc6
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn.
von Roeland Pruijssers, Nico Zwirs
29,90 €
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.1 - 2...d6
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.1 - 2...d6
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn.
von Roeland Pruijssers, Nico Zwirs
29,90 €
The Baffling 2.b3 Sicilian
The Baffling 2.b3 Sicilian
Machen Sie dem Sizilianer das Leben schwer! 2.b3 ist eine durchaus giftige aber dennoch solide Spielart des "Anti-Sizilianers". Egal wie Schwarz sich aufbaut, der Läufer auf b2 wird für ihn immer eine unangenehme Erscheinung sein.
von Lawrence Trent
29,90 €
A modern approach against the 2...e6-Sicilian
A modern approach against the 2...e6-Sicilian
Haben Sie keine Zeit die neuesten Entwicklungen in der sizilianischen Hauptvariante zu lernen? Dann sollten das solide aber trickreiche 3.b3 gegen 2...e6 ausprobieren.
von Jan Werle
9,90 €
The ABC of the Sicilian Dragon
The ABC of the Sicilian Dragon

The Sicilian Dragon is one of the most extensively analysed openings in the entire realm of chess theory. That is because it is one of Black’s best counterattacking options against 1 e4 and therefore very attractive. After 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6! Black develops aggressively and rapidly, has clear intentions on the half-open c file and the long diagonal. He retains options of levering open the queenside with the help of ...b7-b5 and ...a7-a5. Black keeps the inherently flexible Sicilian pawn-structure intact. Yet.....can it really be sensible for the club player to wade in these dangerous waters? Will the game not reduce to a battle of memory, particularly in the Yugoslav attack? Not everyone has the talent of Kasparov, Carlsen, Topalov or Golubev. In the ABC of the Sicilian Dragon, Andrew Martin constructs a battle plan for the average player, which relies less on theory and more on understanding. He argues conclusively that this excellent opening CAN be used by every player and give fine results. Video running time: 4 h 10 min.

von Andrew Martin
26,99 €
The Sicilian Rossolimo for White
The Sicilian Rossolimo for White

The Rossolimo Variation 3.Bb5 is considered to be one of the strongest replies to 2…Nc6 in the Sicilian Defence. The fact that the move has been played by practically all the top players proves its popularity and strength. But the most interesting aspect of playing 3.Bb5 is that we force sharp, attacking players who love to have the initiative to forget about the Open Sicilian and to adjust themselves to a new world, one full of positional ideas, manoeuvres and nuances. Bologan was introduced to 3.Bb5 by Vecheslav Chebanenco. The merits of the famous coach in this opening are that he worked out a complete scheme for how to play against the doubled pawns after taking on c6. Time has proved the correctness of his theory and nowadays the best answer to 3…g6 is considered to be 4.Bxc6; also after 3…e6 one of the best replies is again 4.Bxc6. We should not be afraid of conceding the bishop pair to our opponent. In exchange we get very good coordination of our pieces, usually by placing the pawns on squares of the opposite colour to that of our bishop. Video running time: 5 hours

von Viktor Bologan
27,50 €
The Sicilian with 3.Bb5
The Sicilian with 3.Bb5

The Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian Defence (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5) is always an excellent choice with White if you want to avoid the deeply analysed main lines of the Open Sicilian (3.d4), in which the analysis frequently goes deep into the middlegame or sometimes even into the endgame. For that reason the move 3.Bb5 has a fi rm place in the repertoire of many grandmasters where it is welcome above all as an anti-Sveshnikov weapon. Instead of getting involved in a theoretical duel, White logically aims for strategically complex positions, e.g. by exchanging on c6 and at the cost of the bishop pair degrading Black’s pawn structure (doubled pawns c6/c5). This results in positions in which positional understanding is more important than knowledge of specific variations - meaning that only players who are aware of the general plans and typical piece manoeuvres will be able to find their way through them. Alexei Shirov provides you with the requisite understanding of the subtleties of these positions, by annotating extensively his most important games in this variation. During his career he has played the 3.Bb5 system with both colours and he shares with you on this DVD his valuable experience in the form of video lessons which take up a total running time of more than seven hours.

von Alexei Shirov
32,90 €
The closed Sicilian
The closed Sicilian

For players who lack either the time or inclination to study reams of opening theory the Closed Sicilian (1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 followed by 3.g3) is an excellent choice. The two great exponents of this method of play were World Champions Vassily Smyslov and Boris Spassky. These days it’s the top English Grandmasters Michael Adams and Nigel Short who are its leading exponents. During the early stages White quietly builds strong central fortifications and gains space on the kingside. Despite the quiet appearance of this plan, in the middle game this can lead to a ferocious onslaught against Black’s king. On this DVD Nigel Davies introduces the viewer to the different strategies and variations through a series of instructive games. His presentation caters mainly for players who wish to play White, but he also points out the best methods of defence for Black. This makes it essential viewing for players wishing to play either colour. Video running time: 4,5 hours

von Nigel Davies
26,99 €
Tactic Toolbox Open Sicilian
Tactic Toolbox Open Sicilian
3.d4 is the most popular response to the Sicilian, both at grandmaster and club level. The theory of the opening is huge and grows continually. Knowing typical tactical patterns is important to keep the upper hand in these sharp lines.
von Roeland Pruijssers, Nico Zwirs
29,90 €
Sicilian Dragon Powerbook 2022
Sicilian Dragon Powerbook 2022
Der Großteil des Materials, auf dem das Sicilian Dragon Powerbook 2022 basiert, stammt aus dem Maschinenraum von Schach.de: 161.000 Partien. Zu dieser Menge kommen noch 14.000 Partien aus der Mega und vom Fernschach hinzu.
9,90 €
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