ChessBase Magazine 221

ChessBase Magazine offers first-class training material for club players and professionals! World-class players analyse their brilliant games and explain the ideas behind the moves. Opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in tactics, strategy and endgames show you exactly the tricks and techniques you need to be a successful tournament player! Available as a download (incl. booklet as pdf file) or on DVD with accompanying booklet by post.

Included in delivery: ChessBase Magazine #221 as ChessBase book for iPad, tablet, Mac etc.!


Chessbase 17: the amazing new Search function

The new Chessbase 17 is out, and among the numerous new features is the completely revamped Search function. On the surface this might not sound terribly exciting, but the proof is in the pudding, and when you see it in action you will understand. Check out this article and video to see what the fuss is all about!